Chalk Board Exam Schedule

Semester 1 Exam Schedule

Students are expected to go home after their exams as issues arise when students hang out in the cafeteria for the rest of the day. If parents/guardians are able, please arrange for transportation home for your student when they have finished their exams (some students may need extra time and will need to stay past 10:10 AM). Busses will run on the regular schedule at the end of the day for students who cannot find a ride home in the morning.

Exams run from 9:10 AM-10:10 AM each day (some students will use extra time and will take longer than one hour to complete).

  • Thursday, January 23rd - period 1 exam

  • Friday, January 24th- period 2 exam

  • Monday, January 27th - period 3 exam 

  • Tuesday, January 28th - period 4 exam

January 29th - makeup exams for students who missed scheduled exams due to illness (no students in the building unless they have a makeup exam)

January 30th - PA Day (no students in the building)

January 31st - PA Day (no students in the building)

February 3rd - First day of semester 2

This schedule will be adjusted if buses are cancelled in either

Zone 1 or 2

During the exams, if buses are cancelled in Zones 1 OR 2, all exams scheduled for that day are bumped to the next exam day.