School Council Minutes – June 2019

Spencer Avenue School Council

Meeting Minutes

Parent Attendees:

Megan Taylor, Lisa Laidlaw, Charlotte Rivoire, Sabrina O’Keefe

Staff Attendees: Dianna Secord

Rick Cowan, Miranda O’Connor, Gillian Prieur

Narius Mistry, Lisa Hamamy, Laurie Taylor

Tuesday, June 4th, 2019 6:30 PM
Spencer Ave. Library

Jackie Irwin, Hayley Hancott, Bonnie Gerrits

1. Welcome & Introductions

Megan called meeting to order at 6:35pm.

2. Approval of May 2019 minutes (5 minutes)

May meeting minutes were distributed via email prior to the meeting. No changes identified. Minutes approved.

ACTION ITEM: Gillian to send final approved minutes to Lisa for posting on school website.

3. Boston Pizza presentation

Boston pizza presented their school lunch program and food samples. (See menu sent as .pdf file in email with the minutes)

  • Available to have delivery on any day of the week

  • 12% back to the school from all sales

  • Unique program because of variety on the menu (10 – 12 items)All packaging is recyclable
    Gluten wise option (not named gluten free because it’s not prepped in a gluten free kitchen)

  • There is a teacher’s lunchbox menu as well

  • There are no minimum quantities for any one food itemDistribution – individually bagged and tagged with student’s name and then all bags placed in large reusable bag for each classroom. Delivered to the school in heat thermal bags.

  • Preference to have orders to them 2 days prior to delivery, but can accommodate 1 day.

  • No penalty for snow day cancellations.Also noted that they are extending their “Celebrity Server” program as a school fundraiser – take home 10% of sales from 5:00 – 9:00 for the entire restaurant.

    ACTION: Lunch committee with review and consider this offering in their planning for 2019/2020 school year.

4. Principal’s Report/Division Report (Dianna Secord, 10 minutes)

• Spoke to vendor re: T-shirts for volunteers and the quote is $12 – $15. There was some discussion/request to have an order form available for parents to order their own volunteer shirt. Decision that this needs to be considered separately and not part of the PIC funding spend. Order forms for shirts and decision to do so deferred until the Fall.

MOTION: To approve $350 (PIC funds) to order 30 T-Shirts (or as many as can be bought for that amount). Motion by Charlotte, second Lisa. No objections. Motion passed.

Dianna thanked, on behalf of all staff, the volunteers who contributed the outstanding Staff Appreciation week.

  • There will be several staff changes coming next year. Names have not yet been shared yet, but letter will be issued mid June. There will be one additional class bringing the total to 2 rooms being used in the new addition. Projection population for September is approximately 340.

  • Confirmed that there is currently a work order submitted for installation of a 2nd basketball net.

  1. Treasurer’s Report (Narius Mistry, 5 minutes)Full financial report is not available for May financials, but partial numbers up to May 21st have been reflected on the report shared with Council (see Attachment A). The report includes actuals up to May 21st plus forecasted numbers for the remaining expenses (outstanding food orders and other budgeted items)

    Still waiting on some receipts from Family Fun Night – deadline for end of June. Approximately $26K fundraising for the year. FTP donation for next year of $1500 has already been submitted by Dianna Bottom of financials have details of Family Fun Night and Christmas Fair.

    Final financials will be made available in September (see Attachment B)

  2. Lunch Committee UpdatesJen Hunt had expressed the interest with having a sample day for the kids this year from Simply Pasta. However, with only 3 weeks left in the school year, it was decided that there is not sufficient time left in the calendar to complete it this month.

    Decision is with the lunch committee on how to proceed with Pasta vendor for next year.

    Request for Volunteers – if you are able to contribute your time to the lunch committee, please contact Jen Hunt or Bonnie Gerrits. Extra help is always appreciated!

    Survey to be issued to gauge parent interest for next years lunch programs.

  1. % Allocation of funds raised this year

    • It was previously decided in the Fall that raised funds would be split 60% for Playground and 40% bak to the school. Based on projected closing balance from the financial report, that will mean raising the Playground account by $17.4K bringing the balance to $60K and $8.5K back to the school.

    • Numbers are approximate until final financials in September and transfers will be made at that time.

  2. Council GICBrought up the possibility of being able to invest money at our last meeting. Dianna is waiting on response from the Board.

  3. New Business

Last day of school freezies.

MOTION: To approve $50 budget to purchase freezies for each student on the last day of school. Motioned by Narius, seconded by Gillian. No objections. Motion passed.
ACTION: Narius to purchase and deliver freezies. Note that the quantities purchased for the Jump Rope for Heart Day were just about perfect. Megan to check on the amount that was purchased.

Discussed form of thank for student lunch volunteers. Dianna noted that 2 years ago they were all given pizza & movie in the Library. Agreed to follow that same format this year.

Next Meetings

Next meeting will be in September, date TBD and will be communicated in the first part of September.


Megan adjourned meeting at 7:30pm Minutes recorded by GP.