Hello RCPS Families,

Please see below poster for fluoride varnish application at Rockwood Centennial Public School on Tuesday, December 10th. This is available for all students. If you would like your child to receive flouride varnish, please register your child through Public Health Link at  https://survey.wdgpublichealth.ca/surveys/?s=48TARLMKPYFP88XF  A second application of fluoride varnish will be offered on April 29, 2025. You will receive a reminder about fluoride varnish application closer to the second scheduled date.

Rockwood Centennial - December 10, 2024- Free Fluoride Varnish - First Application Poster.pdf 

Any questions, kindly contact Public Health at 1-800-265-7293 Ext 2661

Thank you,