RCPS Grade 7&8 Off-Site Lunch Privilege Policy
In consultation with the teachers, parents, and the students in grades 7 & 8 at Rockwood Centennial Public School this policy reflects best practices to ensure that our students can benefit from the privilege of four off-site lunches per year in grade 7 and in grade 8. During the consultation, we considered logistical factors such as overcrowded restaurants, safe crossing on highway 7 and ensuring students have enough time to return to school on time from lunch.
Below is a list of procedures and expectations to ensure that our students stay safe and demonstrate independence and responsibility off school property during an off-site lunch.
Students can sign out for an off-site lunch four times per year. Twice in term 1 and twice in term
Students must apply to sign out in pairs or with a group at least one day in advance of the day they choose to go off-site provided they do not exceed the maximum quota of 12 students off-site per
A maximum of 12 students can be off-site per lunch
Students must provide a dated hand-written and signed note from parents on the day they have parent permission to have their lunch off-site in the morning.
The parent note must be submitted to the 1st period teacher on the day of the off-site lunch to ensure it is handed in to the office with the attendance The office will cross reference the note with the offsite daily application list.
Students must sign OUT at the office at the beginning of recess and sign IN at the office upon
Students must NOT be late upon returning to school and must sign in before the bell.
There are no exceptions to the procedure steps Students cannot phone parents the day of the off-site lunch to ask for verbal permission.
Failure to follow these procedures could result in the loss of privilege for off-site lunches in the future.
Students must follow the Code of Conduct at all times when off school property as they are still the responsibility of the school.
Students must follow traffic safety rules such as walking on sidewalks, crossing at official crosswalks or stop lights at all times. (site)
Students must respect and not damage public and private property during their off-site
As a safety precaution, students will be allowed to bring a cell phone, however, students are still expected to follow the Computer Network and Internet Use Policy and display good digital citizenship.
Failure to follow these expectations could result in school disciplinary measures and/or the loss of privilege for off-site lunches in the future.
Below is a map of the streets to access appropriate destinations nearby.