School Handbook

Parent/Student Handbook 2024 – 2025

“Be The Best You Can Be” “Fais De Ton Mieux”

Dear Parents:

Palmerston Public School is a K-8 dual track (English and Immersion French) school with approximately 470 students and 45 staff members.  While your child(ren) attends Palmerston Public they will be immersed in a caring, helpful, co-operative atmosphere where their well-being and happiness is of prime importance.

A partnership between administration, teachers, students and parents is encouraged.  Your child’s education is a shared responsibility.  Together, with all members of our school community, we will support and encourage the growth and development of happy, secure, skilled individuals.

By creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and dignity combined with high standards and expectations we will work with you to develop a positive self-image in each child.

Mission Statement At Palmerston Public School

The mission of Palmerston Public School, in partnership with our communities, is to foster growth, integrity and educational excellence in every individual child, through an effective use of resources and programs, in a safe and secure environment.

  • Principal: Darren Hale

  • Vice-Principal: Tanya McLaren

Staff Information

  • Director of Education: Dr. Peter Sovran

  • Superintendent of Education: Matt McCutcheon

  • Trustee: Ms. Robin Ross

Palmerston Offers…

  • A JK-8 dual track (English and Immersion French) school

  • Emphasis on Literacy and Numeracy

  • An exciting learning environment

  • School Spirit Days: Red, Black and White Day!

  • A committed School Council run by Parents

  • Volunteer opportunities

  • Basketball nets and soccer field

  • Brand new playground!

  • School website

  • Snack Bin Program

  • Announced Birthdays each day

  • Bus patrollers

Safe Arrival Procedures/Call-back System

In order for both the school and parents to be sure of the whereabouts of your children, we have a safe arrival policy.  If your child is going to be absent or late, please phone the school (519-343-3520 ext. 100) and leave the following information:

  • Child’s Name          

  • Teacher’s Name                

  • Reason for Absence                 

  • Length of Absence

Messages regarding absences can be left on voice mail by pressing 100.  Please do not leave a voice mail regarding absences on your child’s teacher’s voice mail.  At 9:15 a.m. and 1:45 p.m. an attendance check will be made of all classes.  If your child is away and you have not contacted us about this, we will call, in order: home, work, babysitter, emergency contact, police (if necessary).

To ensure confidence in the effectiveness of this system we urge you to call the school whenever your child is late or absent – even if only for half days.

Change Of Personal Information

It is important for us to be informed during the year of changes to your telephone number, address, employer, babysitter, emergency contact, etc.  This means that we can always connect with you, especially in case of emergency.

School Hours Of Operation

  • Entry Bell               

    • 8:55 a.m.

  • School Begins               

    • 8:55 a.m.      

  • 1st Nutrition Break and Recess

    • 10:55 a.m. – 11:35 a.m. 

  • 2nd Nutrition Break and Recess

    • 1:15 p.m. – 1:55 p.m.

  • Dismissal Bell              

    • 3:15 p.m.

Our school has the Balanced School Day schedule. If students that walk to school wish to go home for lunch they will go home during the second nutrition break from 1:15- 1:55 p.m.  School starts again at 1:55 p.m. Students require a note to go home for lunch.

If it is necessary for your child to leave school early, please notify the school.


As parents and teachers, we share the responsibility of helping our students grow.  Open communication lines help ensure that we work together for mutual benefit.  Constructive notes and telephone calls are welcome and we encourage pre-arranged virtual meetings. No parent should feel any hesitation in contacting the school to inquire about any concerns.

We will be using our Communication tool, an app called UGConnect, in an effort to improve communication between home and school. Parents/Guardians will need to download the app if they haven’t already done so.

Learning Commons (Library)

Our resource centre is open for the students during class hours every school day.  Students are encouraged to borrow books for pleasure reading as well as class related activities.

We also encourage students to take good care of our books and transport them to and from school in a plastic bag or knapsack.  Prompt return of library books will minimize losses.

Students may be asked to pay for lost or damaged books.

School Council

School Councils are advisory groups who provide input to the Principal on areas that lead to school improvement, such as the Code of Behaviour, Dress Codes and student learning and progress.  They also work to support various school projects through fundraising.

School Councils are made up of parents/guardians of students enrolled in the school, teachers, non-teaching staff, community representatives and the principal and vice-principal.

School Council meeting dates are posted on our website.  All parents are welcome to attend.  Please contact the school if you want more information about the School Council. This year’s meetings will need to take place virtually until further notice. We will post additional details on our school website once we get our students settled into the start of the year.

Charity Support

Palmerston Public School (staff, students and parents) also support various charitable organizations throughout the year.  Examples include: Terry Fox, the local foodbank, The Children’s Foundation, Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Fund, and other needs as they occur.

Community Use Of School Facilities

Typically, any group who wishes to use school facilities for a function or regular activity must complete an application form well in advance of the required date(s). To apply for Community Use please go to the Board website Upper Grand District and click on Community Use .

Crossing Guards

There is a Crossing Guard at the corners of Main and Queen Streets is on duty from:

  • 8:15 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.

  • 3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

There is also a Crossing Guard at the school on duty from:

  • 8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. at the crossing walk near the bike racks

  • 3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. at the crossing walk near the bike racks

Bicycles At School

Bicycle racks are located beside the main playground entrance to the school.  All students are obligated by law to wear bicycle helmets. Students are encouraged to lock their bikes when leaving them at school.

Bicycles are not to be ridden on school property.

Students are asked to walk their bikes across Prospect Street near the bicycle racks.  Students should continue to walk their bikes until they are past the parking lot.

Parents, please stress safety and the need to stay away from potential hazards.

Bus Safety Patrols

A group of students will be chosen to be bus safety patrols.  The patrols will assist pupils boarding buses and report misconduct to the driver.  Please stress to your children the importance of lining up properly and co-operating with the patrols.  In this way, we hope to maintain good bus behaviour and help the drivers to get our children to school safely.

Riding The Bus

Students are not allowed to ride buses or be allowed off buses at “stops” other than their own.  Students who are not regular bus students are not allowed to ride the bus to or from school.  If students are not going to be riding the bus home at the end of the day, but did ride the bus in the morning, please send a note or call the school to allow us to inform the bus driver.

School Buses

Your support, co-operation and recognition of our bus drivers, helps ensure your child’s safety.  Every student is responsible to the Principal for their conduct.  Respect for property, courtesy, safety and appropriate language are all expected while riding the buses.  General Rules of Conduct are outlined.

Bus Code Of Conduct

  1. Follow the directions of your driver.

  2. Be at your bus stop 5 minutes before your pick-up time.

  3. Stay seated while the bus is in motion, and sit in your assigned seats.

  4. No smoking, eating, chewing gum or swearing.

  5. Keep books, lunch boxes, and other bulky items on your lap.

  6. Students are responsible for any deliberate damage done to the bus.

  7. Whenever possible, leave the last row of seats vacant.

  8. Personal electronic devices to may be used with earphones. Speakers are not permitted on the bus.

Consequences will result if students fail to co-operate. Consequences range from a warning to losing bus privileges for a period of time.