Parent Information
Page Links
To ensure confidence in the effectiveness of this system we urge you to call the school whenever your child is late or absent – even if only for half days.
It is important for us to be informed during the year of changes to your telephone number, address, employer, babysitter, emergency contact, etc. This means that we can always connect with you, especially in case of emergency.
Student Conduct
Bullying is aggressive behaviour that is repeated and targeted towards a specific child. We take bullying very seriously at Palmerston Public School. If your child is being bullied, please
School Bullying Prevention Plan
Bullying – A Guide for Parents of Elementary and Secondary School Students
Report Bullying Online Tool – please consider providing names when making a report, it is very difficult for schools to follow up on Bullying reports if no names are provided
Scent Free/Nut Free School
We do have students and staff at our school that suffer from severe allergies and medical conditions that can be triggered by nuts and smells. We ask that children’s lunches are “nut free”. This also includes nut-butter substitutes such as WOW Butter. We also ask that students, staff, and visitors to our school do not wear scents such as scented body spray, perfume, or essential oils.
Bus Cancellations/System Shut Downs
For the 2022-23 school year, Palmerston Public School will open for students, who can safely arrive, on Bus Cancellation Days. Parents are responsible for drop off and pick up from school.
During System Shut Down days, PPS will be closed to students and staff; school work will be provided asynchronously through your child’s Google Classroom.
Your child rides a “North Wellington” school bus to school (Pink Division).
When you hear the radio announcement “All school taxis and buses in North Wellington will not be operating today” – school will be open to all students, however no transportation will be provided. During times of inclement weather, please listen to: 1460 AM CJOY, 106.1 Magic FM, Oldies 1090 AM, 105.3 Kool FM, NewsTalk 570AM, 96.7 FM CHYM, 920 AM & 101.7 CKNX, CKCO-TV for school transportation cancellations. Parents can also check the Student Transportation Services for bus cancellations. Information will be posted daily on the web site by 6:30 a.m. November to April or as required at other times of the year.
*Parents whose children ride the bus are also encouraged to sign up for Transportation’s Bus Subscription that will send you an email if your child’s bus is running late or is cancelled.*
Parent – Teacher Communication
Teachers are encouraged to regularly reach out to parents through phone or email for a variety of reasons. Calls may be made to tell you about something positive that has happened at school that day or to discuss a concern the teacher may have. Teachers are also advised to call when students are not completing homework on a regular basis or when inappropriate behaviour occurs in class or on the school yard. Working together and supporting one another is important in developing a young responsible citizen in our school.
As parents and teachers, we share the responsibility of helping our students grow. Open communication lines help ensure that we work together for mutual benefit. Constructive notes and telephone calls are welcome and we encourage pre-arranged visits at any time; whether for an interview, special programme or social event. No parent should feel any hesitation in contacting the school to inquire about any concerns. Indepth conversations about student progress with teachers/ECE’s can be done at pre-arranged times with the educator(s) outside of the school day. If you wish to discuss a concern, please arrange for an appointment at a time suitable for both the educator(s) and the parent.
The school will also use the ‘UGConnect’ app and “robocalls” to communicate important information between home and school. Parents and Guardians can find more information about the UGConnect app here. If you receive a phone call from the school, please check your phone messages before calling the school.
Report Cards
Report Cards are an important communication tool to tell how a student is progressing academically and socially at school. Here is when you can expect your child’s report cards throughout the school year:
Gr.1 – Gr.8 | Progress Reports | November | Parent-Teacher Interviews |
JK – SK | Initial Communication of Learning | November | Parent-Teacher Interviews |
Gr.1 – Gr.8 | Term 1 Report Card | February | Parent-Teacher Interviews |
JK – SK | Communication of Learning | February | Parent-Teacher Interviews |
Gr.1 – Gr.8 | Term 2 Report Card | June | |
JK – SK | Communication of Learning | June |
You are welcome to schedule a meeting with your child’s teacher at any time during the school year. Formal Parent-Teacher interviews are held after Progress Reports and Term 1 Report Cards are sent home. Interviews shall be set up to meet with all parents at least once a school year through an online booking system. Concerned teachers or parents may wish to set up other interviews for any time during the school year by directly contacting the teacher.
Life-Threatening Medical Plans
If your child has a potentially life-threatening condition, such as an anaphylactic allergy, asthma, diabetes, or epilepsy, we need to have a Plan of Care in place for them. These plans give school staff information about your child’s condition, medication, and steps to keep them safe in the event that they have a medical issue at school. When a Plan of Care is put in place for the first time, it requires a medical practitioner’s signature. After that, we require a parent’s signature to renew the plan year to year. Please contact the main office if your child requires a Life-Threatening Management Plan.
It is important for us to be informed during the year of changes to your telephone number, address, employer, babysitter, emergency contact, etc. This means that we can always connect with you, especially in case of emergency.
Upper Grand District School Board requires that written information and permission be provided to the school before medication can be administered by school personnel. Information and permission must be provided by parent/guardian in writing. All medication, with the exception of asthma inhalers and epi pens, must be secured in the main office and administered by the staff. If it is necessary for your child to receive medication or to have medication available at school, please contact the office.
No vaccinations are given without parental consent. If your child is to be involved in a school vaccination program, forms will be sent home. Ontario law requires that each child be vaccinated prior to beginning school and booster shots administered periodically. All vaccinations need to be reported to Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health. Some Doctor’s Offices do this automatically for patients, but others do not. Please verify with Public Health that your child’s vaccinations are on record with them. Please not that the school no longer keeps vaccination records on file.
Tobacco/Vaping Free Policy
There shall be no smoking or vaping on school property. The consequences of student smoking or vaping follows the Drug and Alcohol Policy and will be suspension. For other adults, a warning will be given for the first offense. Subsequent offenses will result in referral to Tobacco Enforcement personnel and fines.
Head Lice
Head Lice can occur throughout the year. They do not cause disease but they certainly are a nuisance. It is important that parents conduct regular checks of their children’s hair. This continues to be important even when children return to school after having been treated.
If head lice are discovered at school, parents will be informed that the child must be treated. The parents of the entire class will be notified by letter. All nits must be removed after the hair has been treated (a fine comb dipped in vinegar helps to loosen the nits). All heads in the family should be treated with a follow-up treatment one week later.
It is important to examine the heads of entire family, as well as close contacts. Thoroughly cleanse brushes, combs, headwear, stuffed animals, all bedding and clothing that have been in contact with the child.
Reminder: If you discover head lice in your family, please notify the school in order to allow us to take precautions.
School Computer and Internet Use
The Internet is a dynamic, educational resource which dramatically expands the classroom by delivering current information, data and images around the world. The Internet offers unique opportunities to educate, inform and communicate. Students and staff using the resources of the Internet will develop the ability to access, analyse, evaluate and manage information – essential skills in today’s rapidly changing society.
We believe that the valuable information and interaction available to users through the resources of the Internet far outweigh the possibility that users may access material that may be inappropriate and inconsistent with school and community values. While teachers will monitor the use of computers by students, ultimately, it is the responsibility of the student to guard against unacceptable information.
The Acceptable Use of Digital Technology Policy and Procedures Manual is available to students, parents, school volunteers. School administrators will deem what is inappropriate use and their decision is final. Failure to observe these guidelines will result in loss of computer privileges and/or other consequences consistent with Board/school policies and procedures.
School Building Safety Documents
Accident Insurance Plan
Application forms for the plan are sent home in September. Application forms are to be sent directly to the insurance company in the fall of each year. This plan supplements the Ontario Hospital Insurance Plan compensating for specific major accidents and includes the treatment of injuries to the teeth. Applicants are covered during the enrolment period. Parent contact is with the insurance company, not with the Board of Education. This is on a voluntary basis only.
Websites for Parents
Here is a list of other websites you may find helpful.