School Council
We invite all parents, guardians and grandparents of children registered at Mitchell Woods Public School to consider joining us in becoming members of our School Council!
Please use the navigation menu to explore School Council meeting dates, events, fundraisers, volunteer opportunities, our parent lending library and contact information.
School Council plays an important role in the development and education of children, including the following:
Good schools become better schools when parents and educators partner together, and our volunteer efforts help to foster these relationships as well as strong community involvement.
School Council consults with the Principal and school staff members on a variety of matters that affect student learning and to discuss resource allocation.
School Council hosts events and works together with school staff and families on fundraising efforts that improve the financial resources of our school.
The fundraising initiatives we undertake directly contribute to the betterment of Mitchell Woods and the experience of our students through raising the funds that provide resources, which in the past have included:
Scientist in the School (or other workshops of teachers’ choice), Technology (Chromebooks, iPads, etc.), Author visits, Instruments for the music department, outdoor equipment (e.g. balls, crazy carpets, etc.) and hopscotch/4-square lines painted on tarmac, Sandbox for kindergarten area, Contributions to school-wide playday (bubbles, sidewalk chalk, freezies, face paint, etc.), Grade 8 graduation
When you participate in School Council meetings and share your voice, you are taking an active role in your child’s education. By coming out once a month to review, discuss and plan school initiatives, we show our children that we are very interested in them and the things they do.
School Council involvement allows parents to contribute their thoughts, ideas and suggestions for improvement that can help shape the best Mitchell Woods possible!
School Council also offers you opportunities to build relationships with other engaged parents, community members and school staff. You can be part of a school community that works together to improve and facilitate student success and school performance.
School Council is comprised of:
Parents, Guardians, Grandparents
Community representatives
Meetings are held once per month (please see the schedule listed below) and everyone is welcome to attend. New members are always welcome!
School Council Executive Members:
Chair/Treasurer – Dale Beech
Secretary – Indu Arora
If you require further information or have questions, please e-mail us anytime at