MAPS School Council [June 23]

MAPS Council Minutes

In person and virtual

Tuesday, June 13 2023 7pm- 8:05pm

Attendance:  Monique Phillion- Smith, Shawn Henderson, Sharon Edmonds, Priscilla Bennett, Diane Guldner, Kristy Tenbroeck, Christina Ferri, Karlie Woods,

Annabel Zbogar, Lauren Beacham

Regrets: Mr.P, Jenn Cuthbertson, Susan Costante, Colleen Bird, Kim Cozzolino 

Welcome and introductions:  Sharon and Priscilla

Land Acknowledgement: Karlie, shared the kindergarten way of saying the Land Acknowledgement.  It was well received by all.

Principal’s Report:  –Monique introduced our new upcoming principal Shawn Henderson

– Congratulations to our Eco Club, we received the prestigious Platinum award.  MAPS continues to lead the way.

– We are also receiving another Gold OPHEA Banner in our gym.     This is our sixth year

Review and Approval of last meeting’s minutes:  Council approved

Financials Update:

– We have $10 000  going into the new year

  • Last movie night was another success, thank you to all our amazing volunteers

  • Council Suggestion funds go towards a Gaga Ball pit

  • Council Suggestion funds go towards a No mow Zone

Staff Reports:  Council would like to thank all our teachers for their ongoing support.  Moving forward into the year we would like to continue working towards achieving our goals together.

Maps 2023 Family Picnic Bbq Event Update Priscilla:

  • a brief update of what is planned for this event was provided

  • Email reminder for silent auction Baskets required

  • Silent auction basket helpers confirmed

DPA Balls update:   In the spring MAPS received a donation for DPA balls, it was suggested to have a sign out sheet in every classroom to try to keep their new equipment, With the incentive of a free pizza day to the classrooms that kept all 3 balls. After seeing all the efforts students have made to keep their new equipment, members of council suggested all classrooms receive a free pizza day.

Council voted and agreed.

Free pizza day to all classrooms dated June 29

Council wrote individual thank you cards with congratulations to each classroom and delivered them after the meeting.

Other business,extra business:

  • Mr Bonter’s class, gifted council with handmade bright colourful letters and thank you cards.  These Students expressed how grateful they are for all that council has done for everyone throughout the year., with the most kindest words and sentiments.These letters touched us all so deeply. Plans to put these beautiful cards on display in the fall has been discussed.

  • Kristy suggests Council have their own page in the upcoming yearbook.  Kristy provided examples from other school yearbooks.  This was well received and will be discussed further with the MAPS yearbook committee.

  • Karlie asks about teacher placement for the new year, (too soon to know)

  • Karlie would like to be included in the emails for upcoming council events throughout the board.

On behalf of council Sharon shares appreciation to Monique

Monique shares her sentimental final words with council.

This is not a good bye.

Next council meeting:  September 19 2023

Meeting adjourned: 8:05pm

 Minutes taken by Priscilla.

Financials provided by Diane.

Thank you everyone for attending this evening’s meeting and for all your participation.  We look forward to working with our new principal Shawn Henderson.

We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming BBQ event and in the fall.