Our School

About Us

Laurelwoods Elementary School receives students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8. The school is located in the hamlet of Laurel, northeast of Orangeville. Laurelwoods is a fully bussed school receiving students from Orangeville, Waldemar, and Amaranth Township.

Laurelwoods Elementary School staff value and appreciate the support that we receive from our parent community. We see our primary role as that of a coach for, rather than a judge of, our students. Using balanced assessment methods, and focusing on assessment for and as learning, we strive to support the unique strengths and needs of all of our students.

Address: 374027 6th Line, Amaranth, Ontario, L9W 0M6

Phone: 519-940-3666

Fax: 519-940-3402

Email: laurelwoods.es@ugdsb.on.ca