JD Three

Candle Fundraiser: We are running a candle fundraiser with a local candle company, Violet and Ash. We are raising money for outdoor equipment and would love your support! Purchase through school cash online until November 17th. 

Dental Screenings: WDG Public Health will provide dental screenings on Nov 4th and 6th for students in JK/SK, Grades 2, 4 and 7, as well as other students who were opted in. To opt in or out visit wdgpublichealth.ca/hso, or call 1-800-265-7293 ext. 2661.

UGDSB Mobile App:
Make sure your UGDSB mobile app is up to date! 
Download the new mobile app - it’s everything Upper Grand in your pocket. For the latest updates, please sign up for notifications!

Download for Android https://aptg.ca/V7pmln
Download for iPhone https://aptg.ca/370LCh