
Equity Survey Results – Parent/Guardian input

    We’d like to thank you so much for your participation in our Equity Survey. We are so excited about the feedback we received from our JD Hogarth families. Please see below for a summary of our results.

Mrs. Baker and Ms. Jones

What could the school do to help you feel more welcome? 

What we’re doing:

-equity-phrased forms have been implemented

-Spirit Days created with guidance from the Equity Team at the board

-share with teachers that parents have asked for more feedback and phone calls at the start of the year

-provide a large diversity of groups for students to join (many student-initiated) e.g. art club, tech club, GSA, sports

What’s next:

-improved communication

-we are going to start a ‘weekly three’ that outlines three important things to know for each particular week, we are installing a new electronic sign this spring to ensure information is shared on a regular basis

-invite parents in the building to share expertise/experiences (when Covid rules change)

For future consideration:

-small-commitment volunteer roles

-ways to facilitate parent-to-parent connections

-more information for parents on inclusion and equity

Is the communication from the school in a format that works for you? 

People commented on many modes of communication available. Some liked that, some didn’t. We are hopeful that our new “weekly three” message as well as the new sign will help with consistency of communication.

How could your family identity be better reflected in school/classroom activities? (e.g., days of celebration, assemblies, resources, guest speakers, community connections)

What we’re doing:

-announcements of important days, celebrations and recognition

-accessibility awareness (e.g., wheelchair basketball)

-expansion of programming (e.g., Metis connection with Terry Fox day)

-clubs (e.g., GSA)

-family and identity work in all classes

-of many library resources with an equity and diversity focus 

-classes had virtual “visits” to connect with The Grove, a youth community hub

-Indigenous storyteller for several classes (February 2022)

What’s next:

-guest speakers from different cultures and community groups for more classes

-more effectively share resources to support mental health including anxiety, grief, etc

For future consideration:

-sledge hockey and other opportunities

-possibility of school council offering parent education on diversity and inclusion

-education about food accessibility and equity

-explore ways to better balance holiday celebrations from various cultures and backgrounds

What could we do to make participation in the School (Parent) Council easier for you? How might the School (Parent) Council draw in more diverse parent/guardian voices?

What we’re doing:

-virtual meetings are a must for now, but have benefits for many families

What’s next:

-post to website information that clarifies the role of School Council

For future consideration:

-mentor for new members

-more regular meetings

-send home parent surveys

-move beyond fundraising

-share success stories

-more diversity in leadership; rotation or term limits

-provide childcare

-online suggestion box

Moving forward with clubs, trips and sports teams, what could we do to make them more affordable, inclusive and relevant to diverse groups of people?

What we’re doing:

-balance of intramurals (mixed gender) and competitive sports

-opportunities for arts and tech passions, including student-requested clubs (e.g., rubix’s cube)

-board-level survey about fundraising and equity in terms of access to playground equipment, trips, 

-offer equity funding for families who would benefit 

What’s next:

-cricket equipment and applicable cultural programming 

-share information about Upper Grand Learning Foundation and how families can support other students in our school

For future consideration:

-outreach to community for programming (e.g., tennis, curling)

-explore grant opportunities

-consider ways to reduce costs of trips (e.g., more local, less bussing, sliding scales)

-increase timelines for communication

What do educators do to get to know the important information about your family and your children and is there trust to share this? 

What we’re doing:

-get-to-know-you survey 

-letters asking for input

-open, ongoing conversations (phone and email)

-parent-teacher interviews

-communication bag

-in-class assignments

-Show and tell (primary)

-Multiple staff connections (class teacher, planning teachers, SERT, office staff)

Ways to connect:

Your child’s teacher is your first point of contact. If you have a question for a subject teacher (e.g., French, Gym), you can reach out to them directly. Special Education Resource Teachers (SERTs) often reach out to the families of students on their caseloads for update conversations, to for input when completing paperwork, and for consultation meetings. Our office team answers practical questions, like attendance and registration. The school administrators are also available for compliments and concerns.

When you give input or feedback to the school, do you feel your voice is heard, respected and reflected in action?  How could we improve?

What we’re doing:

-overall, heard that teachers and special education staff respond well

What’s next:

-share results of equity survey

For future consideration:

-consider online suggestion box to better hear individual voices

What community connections would you like to see the school make (e.g., community groups, arts organizations)? Do you have any lived experiences you would be interested in sharing with our school community?

What we’re doing:

-Food bank

-Grove Hub

-Immigration Services

-Book fair with local store


-Senior’s Centre

-Trades: Skills Ontario

-EGALE Training

What’s next:

-welcoming volunteers (when allowed)

For future consideration:

-Guelph Black Heritage Society



-Dietician from Family HEalth Team\

-CW Minor Sports teams, curling club

-Indigenous organizations, powwow

-invite local organizations to open house

-fishing organization

-local agricultural group, agscape.ca

-culinary links

-guest speakers with lived experiences

What else is important for us to know about how you and your children feel at school? (For example, are names pronounced correctly, preferred pronouns used, your identities represented and honoured)

Overall, families reported their kids are happy at school

What we’re doing:

-Ran assemblies prior to winter break about proper use of names (in small distanced groups)  

What’s next:

-consistently use our equity lens in the planning of all activities/events

For future consideration:

-More bully awareness 

We’d also like to highlight the Report Bullying Tool on the school website