School Council

The Mission of John Black Public School, as a family centred community school is to develop each student’s ability to acquire skills, knowledge, responsibility and respect for self and others, by providing diverse learning opportunities within a safe and nurturing environment.
We support this statement and will lend our time and talents, whether it is at home or within the school to help our children accomplish this.
wants YOU to be informed and bring your ideas!
Please accept this as our invitation to join us – and let everyone know they are welcome.
Please meet our Executive:
Co Chair – Melissa Mulligan
Co-Chair – Carrie-Ann Nind
Co-Secretary – Kerri Cavell
Co-Secretary – Holly Hendershot
Treasurer – Catherine Shelton-Galdes
Teacher Rep – Tammy Nollert
Meeting Schedule for 2024-2025
Sept 10, 2024
Nov 12, 2024
Feb 11, 2025
April 8, 2025
May 6, 2025
Please email for the meeting link, or with suggestions or questions.
School Council News
We are looking for new people that reflect the diversity of our school community to join our council. Bring your ideas and please consider joining us virtually or in-person for our next meeting. All are welcome!
It has come to school council’s attention that there have been incidents of racial discrimination in our school community. The school council is supporting the school in its efforts to educate the school community by providing funds for a parent resource library focused on anti-racism. Five copies of This is Anti-Racist by Tiffany Jewell are being purchased for a new School Council Parent Resource Library and parents will have the opportunity to borrow them. In addition $250 of school council funds are being put towards supplementing books for the classrooms on diversity and inclusion in alignment with the school and board anti-racist and anti-oppression goals.
Furthermore we encourage families to visit the following links and use some of the resources provided such as articles, videos and podcasts to start family discussions on how we can make a more inclusive school community. There is always room to learn and grow.
Resources for Parents to talk about Race and Racism with their Children:
Resources for talking to children about race
Anti-racism resources for parents/guardians
Upper Grand Learning Foundation
Donations to support our school can be made through the Upper Grand Learning Foundation. Please be sure to note that the money you are donating is for John Black P.S. School Council. If you make a donation of $20 or more then you will receive an income tax receipt.
School Council is here to give parents a voice in the school and to work together with the school administration to ensure our children have a wonderful school environment in which to learn, grow and play in. Any parent or guardian of a John Black Student is welcome to attend any School Council Meeting during the school year. It is not necessary that you are a member of council to participate in our meetings or help with our events or activities. Any participation, big or small is welcomed!
Throughout the school year School Council plans and carries out a number of events, activities and fund-raisers. Our goals as School Council include:
To provide presentations and activities that will enrich our children’s lives.
To provide opportunities for everyone to come together in a community setting.
To raise money (fund-raise) for items and activities that parents and teachers have said would enrich our children’s learning experience.
Throughout the school year you will receive information from both the School and School Council. We will endeavor to be as clear as possible on what we are fund-raising for when we do fund-raisers. Our Social Events are provided at minimal cost in hopes that money is not an obstacle to attendance, and that we break even for an event.
We hope that by providing different opportunities everyone will find something that they can participate in. We do not expect that everyone will participate in all activities or fund-raisers. Please choose what is of interest to you and suits your lifestyle and budget. We thank you for your contributions that help us reach our goals!
So many ways to be involved with school
There are several productive ways to become part of your child’s school life. Helping with homework, arranging study nights with friends before a big test, doing what you can to show you respect and support the leaders at this school. At John Black we celebrate our classroom successes as a team with our monthly assemblies. When you are able, come and see the talent these young minds have, feel the school spirit and hear the laughter. This is what school life is like for our children. Volunteer your time in a classroom or library, make suggestions on future programs and lend your talents whenever possible.