We're thrilled to announce the new app for Upper Grand
DSB! It's everything Upper Grand DSB, in your pocket.
Download for Android https://aptg.ca/V7pmln
Download for iPhone https://aptg.ca/370LCh

October 5 is World Teachers' Day! Thank you to all the dedicated UGDSB teachers the work they do day in and day out with Upper Grand students.

Don't forget that Pine River Institute's Centre for Family Initiatives Positive Parenting Webinar Series starts this October. Learn more about the October 24 webinar here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_m4vil6M0S2KM3Oet8blBJg#/registration

The province has released the 2023-24 EQAO results, and the Upper Grand District School Board continues to make achievement gains in math and literacy, while continuing to outperform the provincial results. Check out the board website for more!

The October Communications Newsletter is out! In this month's issue we have information about: Wellness Works: Building Relationships; Cyber Awareness Month; Walk/Roll to School Month; AI @ UGDSB, and more!
We’re looking forward to a great month ahead!
LINK = https://www.ugdsb.ca/community/communications/communications-newsletter/

October is #IWALK/IWHEEL (International Walk to School) Month, when students around the globe participate in walk-to-school events and celebrate commuting on foot. Support the movement by encouraging walking in your school community!

September 25 is Rowan's Law Day. Let us know how you are marking Rowan’s Law Day and raising concussion awareness by using #RowansLawDay Learn more:

Over the next few weeks, UGDSB schools will be participating in the annual Terry Fox School Run day, to raise funds for cancer research. Let's go UG!

As we reflect on the start of the school year, we want to know. What are some of the things you learned about yourself over the past few weeks? Let us know using #MHUG

Today is all about collaboration. What are some of the ways you positively collaborate with your peers at school? Let us know using #MHUG

A message from WDG Public Health:
Did you know that all children (0-19 years old) are eligible for a FREE eye exam through OHIP? Contact WDGPH to see if you qualify for the Sight for Success subsidy. Learn more at http://wdgpublichealth.ca/vision-health or call 1-800-265-7293 ext. 7006.

A sense of community provides a feeling of belonging. Let’s reflect today on the communities we belong to and how we bring value to every one of them. #MHUG

The Upper Grand District School Board and WCDSB in partnership with
Pine River Institute, will be hosting five webinars. Learn more: https://www.ugdsb.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/UGDSB-and-WCDSB-Parenting-Webinars-Flyer.pdf

Your identity makes you, YOU! What are some of the amazing things about you that make you who you are? Let us know using #MHUG

CCVI students excel during AP exams!

Attention retired French teachers: Join our DELF Marking Team!

This year, the Upper Grand District School Board partnered with Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health to offer a student mental health leadership opportunity to Upper Grand secondary schools. The pilot took place at Guelph CVI and Orangeville DSS and was an opportunity for schools to bring youth together in leadership around mental health in their schools.

As we approach the end of the 2023/2024 school year, we wanted to say congratulations to each UGDSB student for your efforts this school year. We are grateful to have such dedicated students at the Upper Grand. Congratulations and enjoy your summer!