To help your child with homework please visit some of the links below. If there are resources that are not here but you feel could be useful to other parents, please contact us with links to websites, books, or other useful materials.
Homework Spot: A comprehensive site organized by elementary, middle school and high school with a parents’ and teachers’ section.
School Councils: Homework background report that includes what the role of parents, teachers and students are.
School Discovery.com - Homework Help: Homework help for a wide range of school subjects.
Homework Policy
Homework Definition:
Homework is a valuable component in improving student learning and success. It provides practice, reinforcement and consolidation of skills and concepts learned in school. It develops self-discipline, time management skills, commitment and responsibility for the student. Homework provides an essential link between home and school for both students and parents.
Homework is part of the “Learning Skills” section of the Provincial Report Card and is therefore, part of a student’s evaluation.
Types of Homework and Activities:
preparation of assignments to give students background information before instruction begins in the classroom
practice assignments to reinforce skills and learning after they have been taught in the classroom
extension assignments that take the students beyond the classroom by applying knowledge and skills
creative assignments that require students to integrate many skills and concepts when producing a project
editing and checking activities to correct and polish assignments
Time Guidelines (approx. 10 minutes per grade per night)
Plus reading and/or independent project
K – (10 – 15) minutes of reading to or with someone
Grades 1 to 3 – (10 – 30) minutes
Grades 4 to 6 – (30 – 60) minutes
Grades 7 to 8 – (45 – 70) minutes
Roles and Responsibilities:
provide encouragement and appropriate assistance, without completing the homework for the student
provide a nurturing and supportive environment
provide the supplies suitable for completing homework
provide activities to support and extend classroom learning
demonstrate an interest in the student’s schoolwork and performance/progress overall
monitor the student’s homework performance
encourage student’s independence in completing homework
communicate with the teacher through the student’s agenda
complete homework regularly
take responsibility for taking home, completing and returning to school all books, forms and homework materials by using student agenda
develop the habit of:
reading, writing
practising math skills
becoming an independent learner
understand the purpose and nature of the homework before leaving school (i.e., assignments, criteria, time lines)
manage time and materials appropriately (e.g., uses school agenda, submits homework on time, organizes necessary material)
provide homework that is clear, meaningful, purposeful and understood
provide information to parents and students on homework routines and effective study habits (i.e.,time management, using school agenda, strategies, resources)
monitor, check and/or evaluate homework, as appropriate
monitor student’s participation in homework activities
communicate homework performance with parents as needed (i.e., phone calls, goal setting, agenda notes)