About CELP
Program — Earn Four Grade 10 Credits
CHV 2O4 Civics (Half Credit – Compulsory)
In Civics, students look at what it means to be an “active citizen” at the global, national, provincial, municipal and individual level. Students learn about how decision-making bodies work at each of these levels and what power they have at each of these levels to change things. Global, national, and provincial issues are examined. Current municipal issues are researched during the biking unit where students bike to different municipal areas (e.g., different neighbourhoods and City Hall) to learn about an issues that are then discussed during debates on topics.
PAD 2O4 Outdoor Activities (Health and Physical Education)
The CELP semester begins with a field camp. Skills related to safe and sustainable camping are taught and assessed.On trip, and throughout the semester, students keep a journal of their leadership and skill development and relationship to nature that is assessed under the Phys Ed and Interdisciplinary Studies Credits. Throughout the semester, students take turns, in small groups, to prepare a healthy meal for the Friday Community Day meal. During the Civics unit, students have a day of Can-Bike instruction to learn how to bike safely in an urban context.
IDP 3O4 Interdisciplinary Studies
The Interdisciplinary Studies credit is the “glue” that allows the other CELP credits to be combined. Students keep a journal throughout the semester that allows them to reflect on their learning during the program, the experience of developing a community, the skills they have learned and the what they have learned about environmental issues and sustainability. Students also learn how to pass on their knowledge by teaching the elemetary student EcoStars Environmental Education Program.