40 Hours Of Community Service

As stated in Ontario Secondary Schools, Grades 9 to 12: Program and Diploma Requirements, every student must complete a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement activities as part of the requirements for an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).

The purpose of the community involvement requirement is to encourage students to develop awareness and understanding of civic responsibility and of the role they can play and the contributions they can make in supporting and strengthening their communities.

Complete and submit your community hours anytime.

Grade 12s are asked to have their hours completed and submitted by June 1st of their Grade 12 year at the latest, but students are encouraged to complete their hours as soon as possible beginning as early as the summer before their Grade 9 year.

Please record your hours on the Community Involvement Activity Form and submit them to the Main Office.

Looking for volunteer opportunities?

  • For specific opportunities, check the bulletin boards outside the main office, listen to announcements for opportunities, or check out the Township of Wellington North website for a listing of volunteer organizations: https://www.wellington-north.com/

General suggestions:

  • Service Clubs – Royal Canadian Legion, Canadian Cancer Society, Rotary Club, Lions Club, Optimist Club

  • Sports/Recreation (coaching, timekeeping)

  • Community Events/Projects (carnivals, parades, fairs, Mount Forest Fireworks Festival)

  • Retirement Homes

  • Hospital Volunteer Programs

  • The Food Bank Environmental Projects (community clean up, tree planting)

  • Clubs and Youth Organizations (assist with Brownies, Guides, Scouts, Beavers, etc.)

  • Children/Youth Programs (March Break Programs, camps)

  • Arts/Culture (gallery events, library, theater, museum and heritage sites)

  • Any local Church (fundraising dinners/projects, youth activities, children’s programs, special events)

Remember, you cannot do work that would normally be performed for wages by a person in the workplace (eg. you cannot work in an office filing, babysitting, etc.) If you are unclear, check with guidance first.

See the UGDSB website for more information related to Community Involvement at this link:  https://www.ugdsb.ca/page/community-involvement, and check out the Student's Guide To Community Involvement Hours at the following link for a list of eligible and ineligible activities: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Pi6U2hq-gf0F0GSbx7cjG14HWLslrp19/view?usp=sharing