About Us

Address:  355 Durham St W, Mount Forest, ON, N0G 2L1
Phone Number: 519-323-2460
Fax Number: 519-323-2962
Email: VictoriaCross.ps@ugdsb.on.ca
Office Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Instructional Hours: 8:50am – 3:10pm
School Website: 
Student Transportation

Principal: Shannon Spike
Vice-Principal: Jackie Speers
Office Co-ordinator: Sonja Oakes; AOA: Karen Tilker

Superintendent: Brent McDonald
Trustee: Robin Ross
School Council:  Becky Wagner (Chair)

Grades: JK-Grade 8

School Population: 454

Driving Directions

Victoria Cross Public School is located in the town of Mount Forest close to the downtown area and within walking distance of most residential areas. A small percentage of our students are bussed from one rural area and from the furthest residential developments.

At Victoria Cross Public School we welcome and encourage your involvement in your child’s education. We’d ask that when  you have questions or concerns, that you reach out to us so that we can investigate, clarify and/or give more information.  At VCPS, we work to ensure that we are meeting the needs of all of our students. When families and the school work together, we have great success!

Our wish is for your child to experience a happy and successful year at Victoria Cross Public School.