Here are some updates for the beginning of March:

  • Our School Council is kicking off our Spring Donut Fundraiser!  This fundraiser is supporting year end school activities.  Please consider buying donuts to show your support.  Order at between Monday, March 3rd and Thursday, March 27th.  Donuts will be available for pick-up on Thursday, April 3rd. (see attached flyer)

  • Taylor Evans and The Children’s Foundation are working hard to meet the growing need in our community, and that includes fighting food insecurity through our Help Kids Live Free from Hunger campaign. 100% of the funds raised will go towards providing healthy meals/snacks to students through our Taylor Evans Food & Friends student nutrition program. With your help, we can continue to provide healthy meals/snacks for our school community.  From now until Sunday, March 9th at midnight, if you can please consider donating to our school's student nutrition program on it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!

  • Our next School Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 5th at 7:00 PM.  

  • Guelph Secondary Schools Boundary Review Public Information Session is scheduled at JF Ross CVI from 5:30 - 7:30 on March 6th.

  • March Break is quickly approaching…March 10th - 14th

  • Walking or wheeling to school contributes to:

• Reduced vehicular traffic near the school entrance, which improves road safety

• Reduced noise and air pollution from excessive vehicle use

• Improved levels of physical activity among children

• Improved student cognitive development and brain health

• Improved student memory, attention in class and academic performance

  • Address change or Moving?  Please let us know at the office if there has been a change of address or if you are planning to move from our school area in the coming months.