Hello Taylor Evans Families,

       We’re entering into a busy time of year for everyone!  Please ensure that children are prepared for cold weather.  Labeling mitts, snowpants, etc. helps a lot as these items often end up in our Lost and Found when not put away properly.  In addition, students should have a pair of indoor and outdoor footwear.  Below are some more important reminders:

Food Drive - The TEPS food drive is underway!  Thank you to everyone who has donated food items already last week.  Items can still be brought in until Friday.

School Entry/Late Arrivals: Students may arrive anytime after 8:20AM onto property.  Classes begin at 8:35AM.  We are noticing many students arriving after this time.  Below are some tips you can try that involve the routines and the environment at home.

- Practice consistent bedtime and morning routines with your child. 

-  Having a set schedule for sleep and nutrition is key to a good morning.

-  Preparing for school at night so that the morning is less hectic can be helpful.  

-  Putting out clothes and making lunch the night before can help get your child out the door in the morning.

-  Shutting down the home Internet can be helpful during the morning to eliminate distractions.

-  Creating an environment conducive for improved sleep hygiene (e.g. dark room, quiet, sound machine, light in morning, consistent bed and wake times).

-  Ensuring at least 30 minutes of screen-free time before bed and removing all electronics from bedrooms before bed can be helpful. 

-  Limiting screen time before bed is key to winding-down and getting a great night's sleep!

Winter Showcase - Thurs, Dec 19th at 9 AM.  Parents are welcome.

School Council Updates: Thank you for everyone’s support during the Krispy Kreme fundraiser.  We raised just over $1670 that will go towards bringing the Guelph Grotto Climbing program to TEPS in the Spring.   Our next meeting will be Wednesday, January 8th at 7PM

Popcorn Thursdays:  To help offset the cost of year end yearbooks, our Leadership Council will be selling individually packaged popcorn on Thursdays at first break beginning this week.  Cost is $2 per bag.

Bus Loop/Parking Lot: Thank you for everyone's efforts to avoid driving into the school bus loop and parking lot when the pylons are up.  We put these up between 8:20 - 8:35 and 2:40 - 3:05 as these are our busiest times for students walking in this area.  A reminder to obey City road signage for safe places to be stopping for drop off/pick up.  We want to ensure that sightlines are maintained.

Changes to Out of Area/Out of District Board Policy: Families who are directly affected by this have already been emailed more information.  To learn more about the changes, please click here.

UGDSB December Communications Newsletter

Important Upcoming Dates:

December 12th - Popcorn Thursday sales begin

December 13th - Food Drive Ends

December 19th - Winter Showcase

December 20th - last day of classes before Winter Break

January 6th - Classes resume

January 7th - New JK Registration for Fall 2025 begins

January 8th - School Council Mtg

January 24th - PA Day - no school for students

February 4th - Gr 8 Grad Photos

UGDSB UG Connect App - Please see this information below about the refreshed UGDSB mobile app. The app allows users to follow the news feed and events calendars of the UGDSB and whatever schools users select to follow. Users can also sign up to receive push notifications from the UGDSB and selected schools. Download the new app today!

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