Hello Taylor Evans Families,
Here are some important updates:
Supervision on our yard begins at 8:20 AM. Students should not arrive to the grounds before this time. In addition, the playground equipment is closed before school as it is often wet with dew and quite slippery. The equipment will also be closed beginning November 1st (or earlier if necessary) and re-open April 1st (or later if necessary).
We ask that families say goodbye at the gates and that students only enter onto the playground/yard. Thank you for your cooperation.
Our first School Council meeting will be on Wednesday, Sept 18th at 6:30PM. It will be an in person/virtual meeting. We will meet in our staffroom and if you plan to join virtually, please check our website for the link. We are fortunate to be a part of a dynamic, creative, and ethnically diverse school community. With the Principal, Vice-Principal, a school staff member, and members of the community, your School Council works toward improving and expanding our children’s learning environment. Come and share in the education of our children! We are always looking for new members so all are welcome!
Pizza Day Ordering information for this Fall is now live on SchoolCash Online. The deadline for Lunch Orders for the Fall months is September 29th at midnight using SchoolCash Online. Late orders cannot be accepted due to processing. Our first pizza day will start on Wednesday, October 2nd and the last date for this session will be Wednesday, December 18th.
Our Fall Open House is taking place next Thursday, Sept 19th between 5:30 – 7 PM. Classrooms will be open between 5:30-6:30 PM. The Book Fair will also be open for families. Looking forward to seeing everyone next week!
Our annual Terry Fox event will be taking place on Friday, Sept 20th. Please watch for more information coming soon!
Picture Day is Friday, October 4th.