Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!
We are looking forward to welcoming all of our new and returning students back to Taylor Evans Public School this September! The first day of School is Wed., September 4th!
First Day Procedures
Staff will meet students outside (back of the school) by the appropriate signs (ie. Grade 3 area). Once the bell has gone at 8:35 AM, teachers will call out names and take their new class into the school. There will be many staff outside to help with any questions. All students, including Kindergarten, will start school on Sept 4th.
If it rains, students will meet in the gym and organization will take place from there.
Teachers will share specific materials needed for students with families during the first week of school. At the end of the day, students will be dismissed at 2:55 PM. We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday, Sept 4th!
Medication and Plans of Care:
Please complete the appropriate form for Life Threatening Medical Conditions and/or Consent for Administration of Oral Medication form prior to coming on the first day of school. You can drop off the completed forms with the medication to the office on September 4th.
Student Arrival/Early Pick-up
We are primarily a walking school. If you must drive your student(s) to school, please park in designated parking areas on a side street and walk your student onto property. The parking lot continues to be for staff and buses ONLY. Please see the map for places to park. Thank you in advance for the safety of all of our students.
Students who arrive after 8:35 AM must report to the office through the main entrance. Their name and class will be recorded for our Safe Arrival attendance program and then directed to their classroom with a ‘checked-in’ slip. If students arrive later in the day, families should call the attendance line to report that they will be late and then when they’ve arrived, walk them to the main office. If you are picking up early, please inform the teacher through email and also cc the school email so that we can have them packed and ready. A parent/guardian will need to come into the office and sign them out.
Bikes and Scooters
May be used to travel to and from school. When students arrive onto school property, they must walk their bike or scooter onto property and park them at the bike racks. There are no skateboards, hoverboards, wheely shoes etc permitted at school.
Lunch Procedures
As in past years, students will eat in their classrooms and at their assigned desk/work space. For younger grades, staff on duty can help with containers, however families should pack food and snacks in containers that they know their student(s) can easily open. A friendly reminder that we are a nut-free school. Recyclables and unfinished food items will be sent home with students. Please send containers with food that can be used to repack uneaten items and wrappers so they limit the mess in the lunchbag! Practicing this at home will help with this school routine.
After School Program
Students in this program will be collected from outside by the BASP staff. Kindergarten students will be collected by the staff inside the school.
Absences & School Communication
When your student is going to be absent from school, please leave a message on our attendance line before 8:35 AM 519-766-4544 ext 100. Please remember that if your child is unwell, to keep them at home and let us know on our attendance line. Communication from the school will be through Google Classrooms, email, school website/communication tool.
Updated School/Board Code of Conduct
You may recall that on April 28, 2024, as part of its “back-to-basics” plan, the province revised Policy/Program Memorandum 128 (PPM 128), which strengthens the Provincial Code of Conduct’s restrictions on the use of personal mobile devices in schools. This revised PPM also included language prohibiting possession and use of vaping and smoking products. These changes are intended to take effect September 1, 2024.
As a result, Policy and Procedures 213, CODE OF CONDUCT has been updated accordingly and can be found at the following link on the board’s policy page:
As part of these updates, it is required that all schools update their School Code of Conduct accordingly. The new code of conduct is currently posted on our school website and can also be found in the following link. The code of conduct will be explained to each student in grades 4-8 in a developmentally appropriate way by their classroom teacher during the first days of school. Taylor Evans updated plan can be found on the Resources Page on our website.
Classroom Assignments and Organizations
Schools have built class lists based on their tentative organizations. If changes are necessary in order for our Board to remain compliant with Ministry parameters, changes will be communicated and implemented by Monday, September 16th. There will be no changes to student placements unless required by the Upper Grand District School Staffing Committee. Principals do not have the option of changing the school organization that is set by the District Staffing Committee of the Board.
Ministry of Education Parameters
Full Day Kindergarten Class Size Average for the Board is 26 students
90%of Full Day Kindergarten classes with 29 or fewer students
10%of Full Day Kindergarten classes with up to 32 students, under certain circumstances 4. 90%of the Board’s primary classes with 20 or fewer students
10%of the Board’s primary classes up to a maximum of 23 students
Grade 3/4 classes have a cap of 23 students
Junior/Intermediate Class Size Average for the Board is 24.5 students
Dogs & Other Animals on School Property
When dropping off and picking up kids, please remember that dogs and other animals must be leashed and kept on the sidewalk of our property. This is the expectation for all dogs (no matter the size or age). Some students have allergies, a fear, and there is the potential that someone could be scratched or bitten.
Volunteering at TEPS
All volunteers working within our school, including attending field trips must have a Vulnerable Sector Check. VSCs can be applied for online here through Guelph Police Service.
Mark Your Calendars…
School Council: Our first School Council meeting will be held at TEPS on Wednesday, September 18th from 6:30 – 7:30PM. All parents/guardians are welcome to attend. Check our website for a link to join virtually if this suits better.
Open House: Thursday, September 19th between 5:30-7 PM