School Council
Council Chairs: Tiffany Hanyk and Renee Arsenault
Treasurer/Lunch coordinator: Renee Arsenault
Secretary: Jennifer Forrest and Sherri Wise
To contact the school council:
Send a letter in with your child addressed to ‘School Council” and ask your child’s teacher to put it in our mailbox or send an email to: Email SC rossrmackay
Roles and Responsibilities of the School Councils
School councils are advisory bodies. A school council will provide advice to the school principal and, where appropriate, to the school board on any of the matters listed below that the council has identified as priorities:
local school-year calendar
school code of student behavior
curriculum and program goals and priorities
the responses of the school or school board to achievement in provincial and board assessment programs
preparation of the school profile
selection of principals
school budget priorities, including local capital-improvement plans
methods of reporting to parents and the community
extracurricular activities in the school
school-based services and community partnerships related to social, health, recreational and nutrition programs
community use of school facilities
local co-ordination of services for children and youth development implementation, and review of board policies at the local level.
In addition to its advisory responsibilities, the school council shall:
establish its goals, priorities, and procedures;
organize information and training sessions to enable members of the council to develop their skills as council members;
hold a minimum of four meetings per year (all meetings shall be open to members of the school community);
communicate regularly with parents and other members of the community to seek their views and preferences with regard to matters being addressed by the council, and to report on the activities of the council to the school community;
promote the best interests of the school community.
Roles and Responsibilities of the School Councils
a) Chair
The chair of the school council shall:
call school council meetings;
prepare the agenda for school council meetings;
chair school council meetings;
ensure that the minutes of school council meetings are recorded and maintained;
participate in information and training programs;
communicate with school principal;
ensure that there is regular communication with the school community;
consult with senior board staff and trustees, as required.
b) Council Members
The members of the school council shall:
participate in council meetings;
participate in information and training programs;
act as a link between the school council and the community;
encourage the participation of parents from all groups and of other people within the school community.
c) The Principal
The principal of the school shall:
facilitate the establishment of the school council and assist in its operation;
support and promote the council’s activities;
seek input from the council in areas for which it has been assigned advisory responsibility;
act as a resource on laws, regulations, board policies, and collective agreements;
obtain and provide information required by the council to enable it to make informed decisions;
communicate with the chair of the council, as required;
ensure that copies of the minutes of the council’s meetings are kept at the school;
assist the council in communicating with the school community;
encourage the participation of parents from all groups and of other people within the school community.
Ross R. MacKay School Council – Notice of Nomination
Every year your child’s life is enriched with those special events and support that your school council brings to Ross R. MacKay! For those individuals that make up your school council, their lives are enriched too, knowing that with a little support and effort Ross R. MacKay Public School is simply the best school in the area!
Members of School Council are expected to:
place the overall interests of the school and students first;
attend/participate in all School Council Meetings;
participate in information and training programs;
act as a link between the School Council and the community;
encourage the participation of all parents and individuals within the school community;
seek to reach consensus in the decision-making process of the Council;
be enthusiastic and participate in School Council Sub-committees.