Due to inclement weather, all UGDSB schools and offices are closed today (Feb. 13) to staff and students. Students are to shift to remote learning, where possible. Staff should not report to work in person, and should shift to remote working where possible. All buses and taxis are cancelled to Upper Grand schools.
Good evening Mustang Families,
Another great week here at PMPS! The curling team continues to do well, winning their first game this week and improving their play. Junior basketball has started for grades four through six as well, as well as intermediate basketball tryouts. Our primary students celebrated their 100th day at school! It’s hard to believe that we are over half way through our school year! It’s a great time to note all of the wonderful things that we have happening in our school some of which include: our grade 6-8 band, the beautiful artwork that is displayed all over our school, the outdoor learning in kindergarten, , the Family Transition Place programming, the student nutrition program (thank you to our wonderful volunteers who make this happen every day!), student leadership, the quality of instruction, the friendly nature of our students, the student work, the GSA: Welcoming Mustangs, our Equity Club that is learning about games around the world, ... the list goes on. Thank you for supporting our staff and the work we do here with your child(ren).
TONIGHT, Please check your child (ren)’s communication book/bag and/or backpack for their term one report card and IEP (if applicable) that was sent home today.
The board is switching its provider for how I send out mass emails/phone calls/text messages to staff and families. You shouldn’t notice much of a change with this switch, however there is a difference that I want to make sure you’re aware of. In the event that a text message is sent to a group (e.g. all parents/guardians at a school), the message will come from the following shortcode: 277849. I believe I have already sent one text and that was last week when the school was closed.
Report Cards & IEPS: As with Student Progress reports in the Fall, the UGDSB is continuing to use the online report card system for the 2024-25 school year. If you previously accessed our Electronic Report Card system this year, no action is required at this time for you to access your child(ren)’s term one report. Please note, we have also chosen to send home paper copies of the report card as well with each child. The online system has had several technical issues the last few days. If you cannot access reports online, please do not worry, you are not the only one and the board is working hard with the provider to correct the issues. Elementary reports should be available for parents to download from the Parent Portal on Wednesday the 12th if the errors are corrected. Sorry for this inconvenience. Please check your child’s backpack for the paper copy.
To access reports;
Please visit the UGDSB website at https://sites.google.com/ugcloud.ca/parenthelp/report-cards-parent-portal and see https://www.ugdsb.ca/parents/connected/ for further help in accessing and downloading student reports in the portal (if the links do not work, please try cut/copy/paste into your browser)
If your email address has changed, or you are new to our school board since the November progress reports, please contact your school office coordinator, Mrs. McKenzie at 519-941-3731 ext 221 or push 0.
IEPS (modified and alternative goals only) will be going home on the 12th as well. Please remember to read the IEP, keep it, but to send back the signed consultation page please.
Parent/Guardian Webinar: Worry or Anxiety?: The next webinar in the Positive Parenting Webinar Series is coming up. On February 20, 2025, at 7pm, parents/guardians are invited to join the free webinar on Worry vs Anxiety. Discover what's normal and when it's time to seek additional support. Learn how to talk to your child about their emotions, while confidently navigating challenging situations. To register for the webinar, click here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_m4vil6M0S2KM3Oet8blBJg#/registration
Important Dates:
-FTP program continues for ⅘ to 8: February 19th, 26th, and March 7th (make up for school closure in January)
-February 17th: Family Day, No School
-February 19th: Dental Screening JK/SK, grade 2, 4,and 7
-February 21st: Winter Play day (1st and 2nd block) Dress to be outside.
Upcoming Spirit Days February:
-Friday, Feb. 14th: PINK, RED, WHITE Day! Wear pink, red, or white today to show your love of Valentine’s Day
Don’t forget about our Mustang Spirit Cup awarded to the class with the highest participation each month.
We’ll see everyone on Thursday and Friday for great learning days! A reminder that on Monday, there is no school as it is Family Day. Enjoy the long weekend! We’ll see everyone back on Tuesday.
Andrea Papavasiliou, Principal
Please check out ur website and Twitter post for some great programming (being home alone, babysitting, guitar playing) that is offered through our board's continuting education department.
Thank you.
INCLEMENT WEATHER: Due to forecasted inclement weather for Wednesday Feb. 12, all Community Use of School Facilities is cancelled for this afternoon/evening.
![Inclement weather](https://apptegy-documents-can-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/upper_grand_district_school_board_ar/live_feed_image/image/78016/large_Inclement_Weather_graphic__no_URL.png)
We are currently investigating a persistent issue regarding ConnectED accounts, affecting all student and parent accounts. The system is currently unavailable. We are actively working to resolve these issues.
INCLEMENT WEATHER: Buses are cancelled in Zones 3 and 4 today (North Wellington and Dufferin) - schools remain open. Please note that the Transportation website is having technical difficulties. To confirm - buses are cancelled in Zones 3 and 4, but schools remain open.
Good evening Mustang Families,
Our junior and intermediate classes have picked the students who will represent them at our school wide speak off on Monday. All students did a tremendous job. Public speaking is no easy task, but our students did it with confidence and grace. Our curling team continues to learn the game and we just hosted our local schools at our PMPS badminton tournament. Our primary students are also getting excited about the 100th day of school. Our grade 6-8 students had a blast snow shoeing, skiing, or snowboarding this week at Hockley Valley. We welcomed Officer Amy tonight to PMPS who hosted a great parent information night about how to keep your child safe online. Officer Amy is a great community partner and shared some very important information that gave all of us lots to think about it and talk about with our kids. Thanks Officer Amy. PMPS is a busy place!
Important Dates:
-FTP program continues for ⅘ to 8: February 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, and March 7th (make up for school closure in January)
-February 10th: Westside IPRCs
-February 12th: report cards and IEPs go home
-February 12th grade ⅞ Metis Presentations (virtual)
-February 17th: Family Day, No School
-February 19th: Dental Screening JK/SK, grade 2, 4,and 7
-February 21st: Winter Play day (1st and 2nd block) Dress to be outside.
-February 26th: PINK SHIRT DAY
-February 26th: Grade 8 IPRCs with ODSS
-March 4th: Grade 6-8 skiing/snowboarding at Hockley Valley
Upcoming Spirit Days February:
-Friday, Feb. 7th: School Colours Day! PMPS students and staff can wear purple, grey, blue, or white to show their school pride
-Friday, Feb. 14th: PINK, RED, WHITE Day! Wear pink, red, or white today to show your love of Valentine’s Day
-Friday, Feb. 21st: OLYMPIC OUTDOOR PLAYDAY! Dress as a sports player OR dress like a snowflake/snowperson
-Friday, Feb. 28th: Board Game day! Bring in your favourite board game and enjoy game stations in your classroom.
Don’t forget about our Mustang Spirit Cup awarded to the class with the highest participation each month.
VALENTINE COOKIES to Support our Year End Trip for Grades ⅞: Available on School Cash online at $3.00 each. Cookies are from Quest for Cakes and are a vanilla cookie, dipped in icing, and sprinkles. They are on sale until February, 10th, 2025. Pre-orders only
Attention Parents/Caregivers Public Health Immunization Notices: Immunization notices have been sent for elementary students who do not have up-to-date immunization records. To get missing vaccines listed in the notice, you can book an appointment with your healthcare provider or with Public Health at wdgpublichealth.ca/appointments. To check or update your child's immunization record, visit immunizewdg.ca. Visit wdgpublichealth.ca/vaccination for more information about receiving a notice. Please note all inquiries and concerns go through Public Health. As a school we have no control over the immunization notices.
Parking lot reminders: Tonight, we almost had a three vehicle accident in our parking lot. Our parking lot is closed from 815am- 310pm everyday- all vehicles except for school buses and those with special needs parking permits, may not enter during this time . Please no parking in special needs parking without a permit, no stopping, no parking in the bus loop or no parking zones, do not block the exit from our parking lot by parking across the exit to the street and please be kind to staff who are helping to enforce these rules, including By Law who come out consistently but randomly.
2025-26 School Year Calendars: Planning for the next school year has begun and the Upper Grand District School Board is seeking feedback on the proposed 2025-2026 school year calendars. Staff, students and families in our district are invited to take a few minutes to provide their input on the UGDSB’s draft 2025-2026 School Year Calendars via an anonymous online survey. To learn more and complete the survey, please visit https://www.ugdsb.ca/article/7580. The deadline to provide feedback is February 15, 2025.
February Communications Newsletter: The February Communications Newsletter is out! In this month's issue we have information about:
Student immunization notices from Public Health
Feedback sought on the UGDSB’s draft Accessibility policy
And more!
You can view the newsletter here: https://www.ugdsb.ca/page/communications-newsletter
Stay warm and take care. We’ll see everyone on Friday for another great learning day!
Andrea Papavasiliou, Principal
![Black Brilliance Display: pictures and stories of black brillance](https://apptegy-documents-can-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/upper_grand_district_school_board_ar/live_feed_image/image/75765/large_IMG_6150.jpeg)
Provide your input on the draft School Year Calendars for the 2025-26 school year! Planning for the next school year has begun and we want your feedback! Staff, students and families in the Upper Grand are invited to take a few minutes to provide their input on the UGDSB’s draft 2025-2026 School Year Calendars via an anonymous online survey. To learn more and complete the survey, please visit https://www.ugdsb.ca/article/7580.
![2025-2026 School Year Calendar](https://apptegy-documents-can-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/upper_grand_district_school_board_ar/live_feed_image/image/75128/large_School_Year_Calendar__1080_x_1080_px_.png)
Attention Parents/Caregivers: Immunization notices have been sent for elementary students who do not have up-to-date immunization records. To get missing vaccines listed in the notice, you can book an appointment with your healthcare provider or with Public Health at wdgpublichealth.ca/appointments. To check or update your child's immunization record, visit immunizewdg.ca. Visit wdgpublichealth.ca/vaccination for more information about receiving a notice.
Good evening Mustang Families,
Another great week of learning here at Princess Margaret! It was a little shorter than we anticipated. Mother Nature certainly showed her force this week! All students enjoyed having the curling program here this week. It is our intention to try and purchase our own set going forward, if the budget allows it. Junior and intermediate students are working hard on their speeches with our ‘speak off’ happening on Monday, February 3rd to determine who will represent us at the Legion and The Lions Club. Our grade 6-8 students will also be enjoying their first trip to Hockley to ski or snowboard early next week. Many clubs and sports continue at PMPS including: badminton, curling, junior basketball, intermediate basketball, games club, drama club and a few more. Thanks to our dedicated staff who provide these opportunities to our students.
As February begins next week, we are recognizing Black Heritage, Black Brilliance, and Black Futures month here at our school. We are learning about influential black role models on our daily announcements, during classroom activities, and through school displays. We are proudly flying the Pan African flag for the month of February to recognize this month.
Thank you for your enthusiasm and support- this work is important year round, not just in February.
Important Dates:
-January 31st, 2025: Last day to apply for OOA and OOD to open schools.
-February 3rd: Jr/Int Speeches ‘Speak off’
-February 4th: Grade 6-8 skiing/snowboarding at Hockley Valley
-February 6th: OPP parent presentation 6-7pm (see below for more details)
-February 12th: report cards and IEPs go home
-February 12th grade ⅞ Metis Presentations (virtual)
-February 17th: Family Day, No School
-February 19th: Dental Screening JK/SK, grade 2, 4,and 7
-February 21st: Winter Play day (1st and 2nd block)
-February 26th: PINK SHIRT DAY
Upcoming Spirit Days January
-January 31st: Division colours ( JK/K, Gr 1,2,and 3: red, grade 4,5,and 6: Blue, grade 7& 8: black, staff: Tye Dye)
Grade 8 Grad Wear: The PMPS Grad Site is now live! https://pmpsgrads.deco-apparel.com/
Scent Aware: All students, staff, and visitors please refrain from wearing perfumes, colognes etc. while coming to PMPS. We have students and staff who are triggered by strong scents and some have severe allergic reactions or asthma attacks as a result. Thank you for your understanding.
Parents/Caregivers in School During Day: A reminder to all of our families that all visitors to our building must check in with the office. Parents, caregivers, and siblings are not allowed to go down school hallways during the school day. Although your child knows you are a safe adult, not all school staff and students do. Thank you for your cooperation.
Winter Wheel and Walk Month/Day: Winter Walk and Wheel Day (February 5, 2025) is an annual celebration across Ontario that encourages students to be active throughout their school day in the wintertime. Schools can celebrate on Winter Walk and Wheel Day and throughout the month of February. Wheeling or walking to school contributes to reduced vehicular traffic, reduced noise and air pollution; improved levels of physical activity; improved student cognitive development and brain health; improved student memory, attention in class and academic performance.
No Bus Days: We Are Open for Learning: A reminder that on no bus days, we are here for learning. A very small percentage of our students are bussed, so teachers carry on with a normal learning day. Our school is open for all who can safely make it here. If your child (ren) will not be attending school, you need to call in their absence please. This helps Mrs. Mckenize with her safe arrival procedures in a timely manner. Thank you for your help with this. Please note if a pizza day falls on a no bus day, pizza day will go ahead. More information can be found on the board’s website about inclement weather and procedures: https://www.ugdsb.ca/schools/inclement-weather-procedures/
Important: Are you confirmed to be moving for the 25/26 school year? Staffing for the 25/26 school year has already begun believe it or not. Having accurate enrollment numbers of students, means that I can staff the school accordingly. The same can be said for the school that your child will be attending when they leave PMPS. If you know that your family is moving from now to September 2025, can you please let myself or Mrs. Mckenzie know by emailing us, calling the office, or coming in to speak to one of us? Thank you in advance.
Milk Sales: Our wonderful Student Council continues to sell milk. The milk costs $1.25 each. Milk sale profits support our Student Council.
Stay warm and take care. We’ll see everyone on Friday for another great learning day!
Andrea Papavasiliou, Principal
![Child hanging an orange slice with bird seed for the birds on a tree in winter.](https://apptegy-documents-can-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/upper_grand_district_school_board_ar/live_feed_image/image/72845/large_IMG_8260.jpeg)
INCLEMENT WEATHER NOTICE - WED. JAN. 29: Schools in Zone 3 (North Wellington) and Zone 4 (Dufferin) are CLOSED to students and staff. Schools in Zones 1 and 2 are open as normal today.
![Inclement weather](https://apptegy-documents-can-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/upper_grand_district_school_board_ar/live_feed_image/image/71418/large_Inclement_Weather_graphic__no_URL.png)
Good evening Mustang Families,
As February begins next week, we are recognizing Black Heritage, Black Brilliance, and Black Futures month here at our school. We are learning about influential black role models on our daily announcements, during classroom activities, and through school displays. We are proudly flying the Pan African flag for the month of February to recognize this month. We’d also like to share with our school community our board’s equity statement as well:
Anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism is deeply rooted in our country, society, institutions and our history, and much work needs to be done to address this systemic racism. As an educational community we have a responsibility to identify and describe racism and oppression and then work to dismantle it. The Upper Grand District School Board is committed to disrupting systemic racism and oppression in all of its forms. We will implement ongoing mandatory anti-racism and anti-oppression training for all staff, review our protocols and policies, including our hiring practices, and be fully transparent and accountable to all Upper Grand students, staff, families, and stakeholders in an ongoing manner.
Thank you for your enthusiasm and support- this work is important year round, not just in February.
A note that pizza day is tomorrow (when we have a PD day on Friday we shift to Thursday).
Important: Are you confirmed to be moving for the 25/26 school year? Staffing for the 25/26 school year has already begun believe it or not. Having accurate enrollment numbers of students, means that I can staff the school accordingly. The same can be said for the school that your child will be attending when they leave PMPS. If you know that your family is moving from now to September 2025, can you please let myself or Mrs. Mckenzie know by emailing us, calling the office, or coming in to speak to one of us? Thank you in advance.
Important Dates:
-January 7th-31st : 2025/2026 kindergarten registration is open for children born in 2021. Please see our school website for more information and to register online. Please tell your neighbours as well it is important that all children who are eligible enroll, so we have accurate enrollment information for September and plan accordingly. Thank you in advance.
-FTP program starts for ⅘ to 8: January 29th, February 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th
-January 24th: PD Day (full day report card writing for teachers)- no school for students.
-January 27th to 30th: Curling materials at PMPS: Each class will have a couple of opportunities to use the equipment
-January 28th: Intermediate Year End Trip Meeting 630-730pm (more information coming from teachers)
-January 31st, 2025: Last day to apply for OOA and OOD to open schools.
-February 3rd: Jr/Int Speeches ‘Speak off’
-February 4th: Grade 6-8 skiing/snowboarding at Hockley Valley
-February 6th: OPP parent presentation 6-7pm (see below for more details)
-February 12th: report cards and IEPs go home
-February 12th grade ⅞ Metis Presentations (virtual)
-February 17th: Family Day, No School
-February 19th: Dental Screening JK/SK, grade 2, 4,and 7
-February 21st: Winter Play day (1st and 2nd block)
-February 26th: PINK SHIRT DAY
-February 26th: Grade 8 IPRCs with ODSS 830-1140am
-March 4th: Grade 6-8 skiing/snowboarding at Hockley Valley
Upcoming Spirit Days January
-January 23rd: Dress like your favourite animal
-January 31st: Division colours ( JK/K, Gr 1,2,and 3: red, grade 4,5,and 6: Blue, grade 7& 8: black, staff: Tye Dye)
Milk Sales: Our wonderful Student Council continues to sell milk. The milk costs $1.25 each. Milk sale profits support our Student Council.
OPP Presentation for Parents/Caregivers in Person at Princess Margaret PS February 6th, 2025 at 6pm with Officer Amy-Lynn Pitton: I am pleased to share that our OPP community engagement officer will be coming to Princess Margaret on February 6th at 6pm to host a one-hour parent/caregiver information evening about how to keep your child(ren) safe online from bullying and predators. The officer will also take questions. All parents/caregivers are welcome to attend from PMPS, CMES, PEPS, PCPS, and ILPS . Children are not welcome to attend at the request of the officer, because of the subject matter. Please RSVP by email to: princessmargaret.ps@ugdsb.on.ca by February 3rd at 3pm with the number of parents/caregivers attending, so we can plan accordingly. Thank you.
Professional Activity Day Description: January 24, 2025
Information for Elementary Parents/Guardians
Length: Full Day
Elementary Topics:
Term 1 Report Cards Description:
(225 minutes) - Term 1 Reports as per Collective Agreements.
Stay warm and take care. We’ll see everyone on Thursday for another great learning day! A reminder that Friday is a PD Day and that means no school for students. We’ll see everyone back on Monday at 830am.
Andrea Papavasiliou, Principal
![Picture of children snowshoeing, backs to camera.](https://apptegy-documents-can-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/upper_grand_district_school_board_ar/live_feed_image/image/69234/large_IMG_0404.jpeg)
All UGDSB families are advised to be prepared for cold weather tomorrow morning. Please dress accordingly and take precautions with the cold temperatures. Bus families are reminded to check the Transportation website in the morning for possible impacts to school transportation: https://stwdsts.ca/.
The UGDSB wants to remind families of some important deadlines that are approaching, including deadlines for Kindergarten Registration, Junior Kindergarten FI Registration and Out of Area/Out of District applications for next school year: https://www.ugdsb.ca/article/7231
Parents/guardians are invited to attend a free webinar on EQAO math assessments. EQAO staff will discuss math questions that Ontario students encounter when they participate in Ontario’s large-scale assessments. These assessments are taken by all Ontario students in Grades 3, 6 and 9: https://www.ugdsb.ca/article/7217
Good afternoon,
It has been reported that some students are climbing and sliding down the snowhills in our parking lots once in their parents/caergiver’s care before and after school. Please remind children that they are not to be on the snowhills in parking lots. Drivers often cannot see the students and we would not want anyone to be hurt.
Please see below for a message from Public Health about fluoride varnish.
Have a great weekend. Thank you. Andrea Papavasiliou
(Sent on behalf of Public Health)
Please find attached the poster for fluoride varnish application at Princess Margaret on Tuesday, March 25, 2025. Fluoride Varnish will be offered to all students at our school.
Parents/Guardians need to register their children here: https://survey.wdgpublichealth.ca/surveys/?s=48TARLMKPYFP88XF if they would like them to receive fluoride varnish. A second application of fluoride varnish will be offered on June 17, 2025.
![Floride Poser- two children smiling.](https://apptegy-documents-can-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/upper_grand_district_school_board_ar/live_feed_image/image/67624/large_IMG_6026.png)
Good evening Mustang Families,
It’s been another good week here at PMPS. Our junior and intermediate students continue to learn from the Family Transition Place presentations, students in grade 6/7 snowshoed while embracing winter weather, our kindergartens ar building snow structures with 3D frozen shapes in our STEM courtyard, our curling team had their first practice at the Orangeville Curling Club, and our junior/intermediates have started speech writing. Our grade 6-8 band continues to use their instruments and are making great progress. PMPS is a great place to learn and have fun!
Important Dates:
-January 7th-31st : 2025/2026 kindergarten registration is open for children born in 2021. Please see our school website for more information and to register online. Please tell your neighbours as well.
-FTP program starts for ⅘ to 8: January 8th, 15th, 22nd, and February 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th
-January 17th: PMPS Grad (Grade 8) Photo Day
-January 24th: PD Day (full day report card writing for teachers)- no school for students.
-January 27th to 30th: Curling materials at PMPS: Each class will have a couple of opportunities to use the equipment
-January 28th: Intermediate Year End Trip Meeting 630-730pm (more information coming from teachers)
-January 31st, 2025: Last day to apply for OOA and OOD to open schools.
-February 6th, 2025: OPP Online Safety Presentation at PMPS 6-7pm (information below)
-February 12th, 2025: Reports go home/ IEPs (modified and alternative goals also goes home)
Upcoming Spirit Days January:
-January 17th: Dress like a tourist (fanny packs, hat, sunglasses etc)
-January 23rd: Dress like your favourite animal
-January 31st: Division colours ( JK/K, Gr 1,2,and 3: red, grade 4,5,and 6: Blue, grade 7& 8: black, staff: Tye Dye)
Milk Sales: Our wonderful Student Council continues to sell milk. The milk costs $1.25 each. Milk sale profits support our Student Council.
Stay warm and take care. We’ll see everyone on Friday for another great learning day!
Andrea Papavasiliou, Principal
![Water colour witner hats with yarn as pom poms](https://apptegy-documents-can-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/upper_grand_district_school_board_ar/live_feed_image/image/67089/large_IMG_6013.jpeg)
Free Jacket, SnowPant, Hat & Mitten Pick Up: Thanks to the generous donations from our community, we find ourselves with a good problem; a great inventory of winter wear including various sizes of new and used snow jackets, snow pants, hats and mitts. Please note the hat and mitts are new and some of the jackets and snow pants are new. If the snow pants and jackets have been slightly used, they have been washed. On Tuesday, January 14th, 2025 & Wednesday, January 15th, 2025 we will set up a table with these free items. If your child needs something, please come in and pick it up before heading to the store. The items will be in the front hallway on a table and parents and caregivers are welcome to come in from 810am to 310pm to pick up any items that their child(ren) need.
![Watercolour snowman with black marker.](https://apptegy-documents-can-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/upper_grand_district_school_board_ar/live_feed_image/image/65546/large_IMG_5944.jpeg)
Good evening Mustang Families,
Happy New Year! Welcome back! We hope you and your family had a great holiday season. We’re glad to have our students and staff back, they have settled back in nicely. We have a number of great things going on here at PMPS. Some examples include our curling team starting practicing and competing next week as well as our badminton team, our grade 8s will have an ODSS visit for grade 9 course selection, and Family Transition Place have started their series of presentations and workshops with our juniors and intermediates. Thank you to our School Council for supporting this important work and for already helping us book this programming for the 2025/2026 school year as well. We have an amazing School Council! Thanks to all our families who support our fundraisers such as cookie dough and Holiday Craft Fair which helps Council support our school.
Important Dates:
-January 7th-31st : 2025/2026 kindergarten registration is open for children born in 2021. Please see our school website for more information and to register online. Please tell your neighbours as well.
-FTP program starts for ⅘ to 8: January 8th, 15th, 22nd, and February 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th
-January 16th: ODSS guidance visits grade 8 students about course selection
-January 17th: PMPS Grad (Grade 8) Photo Day
-January 24th: PD Day (full day report card writing for teachers)
-January 27th to 30th: Curling materials at PMPS
-January 31st, 2025: Last day to apply for OOA and OOD to open schools.
-February 6th, 2025: OPP Online Safety Presentation at PMPS 6-7pm (information below)
-February 12th, 2025: Reports go home/ IEPs (modified and alternative goals also goes home)
Upcoming Spirit Days January:
-January 10th: Dress like your favourite hobby (artist, sports, star, musician...)
-January 17th: Dress like a tourist (fanny packs, hat, sunglasses etc)
-January 23rd: Dress like your favourite animal
-January 31st: Division colours ( JK/K, Gr 1,2,and 3: red, grade 4,5,and 6: Blue, grade 7& 8: black, staff: Tye Dye)
OPP Presentation for Parents/Caregivers in Person at Princess Margaret PS February 6th, 2025 at 6pm with Officer Amy-Lynn Pitton: I am pleased to share that our OPP community engagement officer will be coming to Princess Margaret on February 6th at 6pm to host a one-hour parent/caregiver information evening about how to keep your child(ren) safe online from bullying and predators. The officer will also take questions. All parents/caregivers are welcome to attend from PMPS, CMES, PEPS, PCPS, and ILPS . Children are not welcome to attend at the request of the officer, because of the subject matter. Please RSVP by email to: princessmargaret.ps@ugdsb.on.ca by February 3rd at 3pm with the number of parents/caregivers attending, so we can plan accordingly. Thank you.
SUPPORTING STUDENT ENGAGEMENT: UPCOMING WEBINAR ON SCHOOL AVOIDANCE: The Upper Grand District School Board (UGDSB), in collaboration with the Wellington Catholic District School Board and Pine River Institute, is inviting families to join a vital conversation about school avoidance. As more youth face challenges staying engaged in school, this free webinar will explore what motivates students to attend and offer actionable strategies for parents and caregivers to help.
Event Details:
Topic: School Avoidance - What Motivates Kids to Attend and How Can Parents Help?
When: Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 7:00 p.m.
Where: Online (details provided upon registration)
This session is part of Pine River Institute's Positive Parenting Webinar Series and will provide insights and practical tools to support students in overcoming school avoidance and fostering a love for learning. Mark your calendars and join us in creating a supportive environment for student success. Parents and guardians can register here.
Volunteers Needed: Breakfast Program: We are looking to fill a volunteer position with our school's breakfast and snack food programs. These programs are so important for our students, as full tummies help to fuel learning! We need assistance on Wednesdays at 8am, with both the breakfast and snack trays, and on Thursday at 8:45am, with just the snack trays. All food is already at the school and our volunteers prepare the breakfast options for our students in the library and help to clean up as school begins. For the snack trays, volunteers collect the trays, wash them, prepare the day's snacks, and deliver them to the classrooms. There will be another volunteer present to assist on both days. This commitment would run for the remainder of the school year. If you are interested in helping out, please call the office for more information. Thank you.
Take Care. We’ll see everyone on Friday for another great learning day!
Andrea Papavasiliou, Principal
ICYMI: As winter continues to roll on, a reminder of our inclement weather procedures: https://www.ugdsb.ca/article/6033
![inclement weather](https://apptegy-documents-can-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/upper_grand_district_school_board_ar/live_feed_image/image/63373/large_Inclement_Weather_graphic__no_URL.png)