Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Andrew Ethier
Head/Lead; Vice Principal
5199410491 x 240
James Fawcett
5199410491 x 330
Louise Fearon
Technological Education
5199410491 x 674
Bevin Fondacaro
5199410491 x 543
Angie Forte
Guidance and Career Education
5199410491 x 544
Maria Franco
Staff Caretaker-Secondary
5199410491 x 324
Bonnie Gerrits
Office Co-ordinator Secondary
5199410491 x 221
Ryan Gillespie
Technological Education
5199410491 x 583
Michelle Grierson
Alternative Courses (non-credit); Arts
5199410491 x 545
Nigel Hague
5199410491 x 510
Andrea Hartholt
Business Studies; English
5199410491 x 611
Greg Hill
Head/Lead; Business Studies; Canadian and World Studies; English; Guidance and Career Education; Health and Physical Education; Mathematics; Social Sciences and Humanities
5199410491 x 305
Lea Hooper
Ed Asst - Special Education
Allison Huntley
5199410491 x 523
Ashley Jamieson-Burford
Head/Lead; Teacher; Teacher Guidance
5199410491 x 252
Shannon Kennedy
Child Youth Counsellor Sec
5199410491 x 313
Erin Kipps
Sec Special Ed Resource
5199410491 x 226
Asher Kirk-Elleker
Canadian and World Studies
5199410491 x 507
Billie-Rose Kliaman
Ed Asst - Special Education
Tianna Kolody
5199410491 x 314