It’s that time of year again and we wanted to share a refresh with our school community about Inclement Weather Procedures.
Bus Delays/Cancellations
In the event of bus cancellations, all schools will remain open for students and staff who can get there safely.
If parents/guardians do not feel it is safe to bring their child/ren to school, the decision to keep their child/ren home is theirs to make. Just be sure to let your child’s school know that they will not be attending that day.
Bus cancellation days have the potential to significantly impact student learning for students who are unable to attend in-person. Students affected by bus cancellations will be supported in their learning through activities provided by their teacher in their Google Classroom.
Please note that school bus delays and cancellations are NOT posted to Upper Grand District School Board websites or social media. This information is shared by Service de transport de Wellington-Dufferin Student Transportation Services (STWDSTS).
The STWDSTS website will always contain the most up-to-date information on school bus delays and cancellations.
Parents/guardians can sign up for cancellation/delay alerts through the STWDSTS website by clicking HERE.
School Closures
On the rare occasions when schools and board sites are closed to staff and students (e.g. power outages, weather closures), students are to shift to remote learning, where possible. Staff should not report to work in person and should shift to remote working where possible.
Remote activities for the day may include teachers posting activities to Google Classrooms, which can be accessed by students. Teachers will plan for the possibility of emergency school closures and will be prepared to pivot to remote learning.
Consideration will also be given to providing or assigning work and/or devices ahead of time that supports students who do not have internet access from home, where possible.
If the decision is made to close schools, an alert will be posted on the board and school websites, information will be posted on the UGDSB social media channels, and local media will be alerted. Additionally, a notification will be sent to the UGDSB Mobile app. Download the app and remember to sign up for notifications from the UGDSB!
Make sure you check in the early morning for closure information.
For more information about UGDSB Inclement Weather Procedures, visit the board website.