On Friday, November 15th, the students of Ottawa Crescent are invited to attend a Pasta Lunch. Staff and students will have the opportunity to sit in the gym, as a whole school community and enjoy a yummy meal of tortellini, with red or white sauce, vegetables and a cookie. Special dietary requirements will be honoured.
We are hopeful that each student might contribute $5.00 or what is reasonable and possible for your family, towards the lunch. Please note, this is not a fundraiser. All money will go toward the cost of the meal. Money can be sent in with your student or directly to the office using Cash Online, on or before November 15th.
We will need a few volunteers to help with lunch preparation, assistance during the event, and for clean-up afterwards. If you are available to help during the times listed below, please indicate your preference and return the form to school with your child as soon as possible. (Spaces will be filled as forms are handed in.)
Officer Natasha, who helps to train our School Patrollers and teaches bike safety at our school may be stopping by on Friday November 15th to join us at our Whole School Pasta Lunch.
Thank you in advance for your help to make this a memorable event at Ottawa Crescent!
NOTE: Friday’s Pizza Day will be held Thursday November 14th.