Our School
Welcome to Maryborough Public School!
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students:
Maryborough PS is a welcoming and caring school community. We look forward to working together and cannot wait to celebrate the wonderful things that happen at our school.
Our students are encouraged to embrace a growth mindset, as they engage in the learning process. Through daily lessons and activities, our students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their strengths, and to work toward the goals they have created. In addition, our students will be given the opportunity to further develop their self-regulation skills by adding problem solving tools to their “toolkits,” using the Zones of Regulation program. It is important that our students have “safe adults” at school who they can turn to if they need help.
Our staff works hard to offer a variety of learning opportunities for our students. Academic opportunities are enriched because our staff is motivated to help all children succeed. The outdoor surroundings around our school allow our students to learn beyond the four walls of the classroom.
Success in learning is achieved when there is a partnership between the school and our families. It is our belief that students are more successful when we work together. Through cooperation and collaboration, all students will develop skills of self-regulation, respect, and responsibility as they work toward meeting their educational goals. It is extremely important that parents and teachers maintain open and ongoing communication.
We are always open to new ideas and welcome your input and your suggestions. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact your child’s teacher or the school.
We look forward to working together to develop a strong school community partnership.
Alan Gouk, Principal
“It is our Mission as a nurturing, rural, community school, to ensure the development of each child’s potential and person values and to build a foundation for the future through quality educational experiences.”