School Information


We are very fortunate to have many volunteers in our school. If you have an interest in volunteering at the school please inform the office or your child’s teacher, and the appropriate arrangements can be made. We ask that all volunteers pre-arrange their visits and when coming to the school please sign the visitors guest book in the officePlease click here to see the new volunteer policy

Visitors to our School

When visiting our school, please sign in at the main office and put on a visitor’s tag. It is important we are aware of your visit and its purpose. If you are picking up your child for an appointment, please enter through the front doors to the office and we will call the students.

School Schedule



Instructional Time


First Nutrition Break


Instructional Time


Second Nutrition Break


Instructional Time




Student Records

The Ontario Student Record (OSR) is the confidential, ongoing record of a student’s educational progress through schools in Ontario. The information in the OSR is available to supervisory officers, the principal, and teachers only for the purposes of improvement of instruction. Except for clerical staff involved in its management, the OSR is not available to any other person without the signed consent of parents/guaradians.

Parents of students under age 18, may examine the OSR if they desire. They may also request to the principal that inaccurate or inappropriate information be removed.

Custody and Guardianship

Although a custodial parent can make the educational decisions for a child, a non-custodial parent has the right to information about a child and access to the child unless denied by a court of law.

If you have concerns about unauthorized access to children or information, it is essential that the principal be informed and that verification of custody orders be placed in the OSR. Otherwise, the school assumes that a situation of equal access exists.

Safe Arrival Program

Supervision on the yard begins at 8:30 am.  For your child’s safety do not drop them off or send them to school prior to this time.

Please call the office before 8:30 if your child is going to be absent or late. The voice mail can take your messages 24 hours a day. Please supply us with the student’s name, class and reason for absence/lateness. We will call parents of absent students if we have not been informed by a parent of the reason for the absence. If a parent cannot be reached we will call all emergency numbers. Late students are to report to the office before going to class to have their arrival recorded.

Board Policy on Safe Arrival reads:

“It is the responsibility of parents to:

  1. provide current telephone contacts such as: home phone number, work number of both parents, number of caregiver, number of safe arrival contact, and emergency contact numbers on the student admission/information form,

  2. update the information during the school year,

  3. communicate with the school, prior to the start of school in the morning or afternoon, when the child will be absent or late for any reason,

  4. provide written permission for their child to leave the school during the day, and

  5. inform the school when their child will be returning after an absence of more than one ”