Holiday Activities - We have lots of exciting activities planned next week. Here is a summary:
December 17th - Intermediate Skating
December 17th - Holiday gift shop open for shopping
December 18th - Holiday gift shop open for shopping
December 19th - Festive Sweater Day and Holiday Assembly (see website for schedule)
December 20th - Sparkle and Shine Festive Colours, Intermediate Dance, Last day of School before Christmas Break.
Inclement Weather -
Bus Cancellation: If your child is a bus student but you decide to drive your child to school, please ensure you have end of day arrangements made BEFORE you come to school.
If your child is NOT a bus student but you decide to keep them home, you must call the school to report the absence.
School Closure: If schools are closed, all students will shift to remote learning where possible.
Dogs on the School Yard - This is a reminder that dogs should not be on school property at the beginning or end of day to ensure the safety of students and community members
As the break begins, we hope you have the chance to enjoy some special time with your family! This is a wonderful time to play in the snow (fingers crossed), laugh, and spend time with the people you love most. Have a fantastic break!