Food Drive - The JDH food drive is underway. We are motivated to reach our goal of 5000 items! If you know of any local businesses that would like to make a larger donation, we will recognize them on the Wall of Fame. School cash online is open for monetary donations as well.
Fluoride Varnish - Fluoride Varnish will be offered to all students December 12th. You will need to register your child(ren) here if you would like them to receive fluoride treatment. A second application of fluoride varnish will be offered on May 5, 2025.
UGDSB UG Connect App - Please see this information below about the refreshed UGDSB mobile app. The app allows users to follow the news feed and events calendars of the UGDSB and whatever schools users select to follow. Users can also sign up to receive push notifications from the UGDSB and selected schools. Download the new app today!
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