Our School

About Us

2001 marked a new beginning for June Ave Public School. The students of Marden Public School and June Ave Public School were brought together in a newly renovated facility.  Our school community has evolved from the traditions of both schools.  We continue to nurture the friendships between all students and provide programs which foster academic and social growth.

Mission Statement

Our mission at June Ave. P. S. is to teach skills that assist each child in their academic, social and emotional development. We do this by using all our available resources and expertise through team collaboration and planning. We do this so that all children can learn and achieve their potential.


Contact Information

Address: 30 June Avenue, Guelph, Ontario N1H 1H6
Phone Number: 519-824-4560
Fax Number: 519-824-9520
Email: JuneAve.ps@ugdsb.on.ca
Office Hours: 8:00am – 4:00pm