Our School
Grand Valley and District Public School is a rural school located on a County Road # 25 north of County Road # 9 in the town of Grand Valley. Children living in the township of Grand Valley attend the school. The school is located at 120 Main Street North Grand Valley Ontario.
Approximately 40% of the students who attend G.V.D.P.S. are bussed to the school. Students who graduate from the school attend Centre Dufferin District High School in the town of Shelburne.
G.V.D.P.S. initially was a secondary school which served the Grand Valley area. During the 1970’s, Orangeville District Secondary School was expanded and the students from Grand Valley began attending the Orangeville high school. The elementary students, who at the time were attending a smaller school located across the street from the existing school, then moved into this building.
In 1995 a large primary wing was added to the north end of the school. The population of the school at that time was approximately 600 students. The school continued to require three portables even after the addition was built.
In 1998, Laurelwoods Elementary School was opened just north and east of Grand Valley. School boundary changes resulted in 175 students from Grand Valley School attending Laurelwoods E.S.
Currently we have 400 students enrolled in school and we continue to grow with our community population increasing year by year.
Contact us
Grand Valley & District Public School
120 Main St. N.,
Grand Valley, Ontario, Canada, L9W 7N4
Phone: 519-928-2172
Fax: 519-928-2666
Email: grandvalley.es@ugdsb.on.ca