EJPS Week at a Glance (Jan 20-24)
Chers parents,
It’s hard to believe that the end of January is already here! This week will be a short one as we have a PA Day on Friday, January 24th. Staff will be working on assessments and reporting in preparation for the Term 1 report cards. Congratulations to our JR Volleyball Team who participated in a tournament this past Tuesday. They won 3 games! A big thank you to Mme Ammon for coaching them and giving up her lunch times to build their confidence and prepare for the tournament.
In other news, we are very excited to announce the launch of the 2025 Forest of Reading English reading program at Edward Johnson! Over the next couple of weeks, students will be coming to the library to be introduced to this year’s reading lists. Here’s a bit of information on how the program works:
I am very excited to announce the launch of the 2025 Forest of Reading English reading program at Edward Johnson! Over the next couple of weeks, students will be coming to the library to be introduced to this year’s reading lists. Here’s a bit of information on how the program works:
The various Forest of Reading Awards are presented to Canadian authors every year based on votes cast by students across Ontario for their favorite book.
A panel of librarians across Ontario select titles for the reading lists each year. These lists consist of an array of the best in Canadian Children’s Literature for the year, and give your child the opportunity to read a variety of good quality books.
Reading lists are divided to match the reading and interest levels of different age groups.
-The Silver Birch list is a list of fiction titles for students in grades 5-6
-The Yellow Cedar list is a list of nonfiction titles for students in grades 5-6
-The Silver Birch Express list is a mixed list of fiction and nonfiction titles for students in grades 3-4.
-The Blue Spruce list is a read aloud program for students in grades 1-2
This is a wonderful opportunity to encourage your child to read the best of current Canadian literature. Copies of all listed books are available in your childs' classroom, on Sora, at the Guelph Public Library, as well as at bookstores.
To qualify to vote in any 1 category, students must simply read a minimum of 5 books on any 1 list, and comment on the book in their classroom comment book. Voting this year will be on April 25th, and will be done during school hours in the library.
Book lists and summaries are available at Nominated Lists – Forest of Reading
I hope that many students will take advantage of this wonderful reading opportunity!
Armelle Mizutani
Every year we get questions on when it is too cold for the students to be outside. There is no real concrete answer. Decisions depend on the amount of wind, sunlight, length of time out, etc. We do expect students to come dressed for the weather and to be outside. Generally, we do not send the students out if the temperature is below -20. When it is cold outside we use our judgment and be aware of weather and wind conditions, the length of time spent outside, the way children are dressed (we do have extra stuff in the storeroom), and that younger children can be more at risk of frostbite. Hopefully, this is helpful so that we can enjoy the outdoors and our Canadian winter. Please visit the Environment Canada website for more information at https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/weather-health/uv-index-heat-wind-chill-products.html#toc7
From the Office:
Food order deadline for February's orders is Thurs. Jan. 30 2025 - Midnight. NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Below are some important dates:
Jan 7-31 > JK Registration
Jan 21 - River Run PM: 45B, 56A, 56C
Jan 21 > School Council Meeting in the Library 6:30-7:30 PM
Jan 24 > PA DAY Poster for Elementary schools - January 24, 2025, PA Day
Feb 5 > Bus Safety Presentations for all students
Feb 6 - River Run PM: 3B, 34C, 23A
Feb 12 > Term 1 Report Cards available online
Feb 17 > Family Day
Feb 20 > EJ Dance-A-thon
March 10-14 > March Break
March 27 > Fluoride Varnish
Apr 3 - River Run AM: 45B, 56A, 56C
Apr 10 - Crawford Lake: Gr. 5's
Apr 30 - River Run AM: 1A, 12B, 12C
Have a great weekend playing in the snow!
Olivier Cutz (Principal)
** This and all past EJPS Week at a Glance emails are also posted on our school website here: https://www.ugdsb.ca/johnson/category/newsletter/