
EJPS Week at a Glance (Dec 9 - 13)

Chers parents,

We are all looking forward to the EJ Holiday Extravaganza 2024 that will be hosted in our gymnasium on December 11th. For this event, parents will not need to sign in or sign out at the office due to the expected volume. I will be monitoring the entrance and exit times at the Gym doors. Please note, due to fire regulations around our Gym’s seated capacity we will have a non-student ONLY audience. Since we recognize that students benefit from seeing each other perform, students can view their friends and/or siblings in other classes perform at the dress rehearsal the day before the actual concert. With that said, we ask that parents not sign out any children out of class to join one of the concert times to view their friends or siblings perform. Not only will this avoid crowding in the Gym but it will also avoid our office coordinator, Mme McLeod, having to administer an unmanageable amount of sign outs and sign ins. To that end, we truly appreciate your cooperation with our request which aims to uphold safety. 

EJ Holiday Extravaganza 2024 (Dec 11th)

**Classes and groups are listed in order of stage set appearance.


Junior @ 9AM> Dragon Drummers, Mme Anselmini-Lofton, 3 combined classes presentation (Mme Roberts, Mme Hill & M Remillard) 

In between performance optional coffee social space in the library for parents who have children in the next performance block. **No students allowed in the library. 


Primary @ 11AM > Mme White, Mme Cigljarev/Mme Ammon, Mme Prilesnik, Mme Davis/Mme Mizutani, Mme Stolfi

In between performance optional coffee social space in the library for parents who have children in the next performance block. **No students allowed in the library. 


FDK @ 2PM > Mme Crawford/Mme Szabo, Mme Forbes/Mme Teasdale, Mme Saylany/Mme Andrews 

E.J.’s Week of Giving

It is time for our annual community food and clothing drive! Last year we made a tremendous difference, and all of the networks were incredibly grateful! 

With the help of our junior classes, we will be continuing with our fourth annual E.J.’s Week of Giving, for both our human and animal friends in our Guelph community. 

Each day of the week has a different donation item/theme that is most needed in the city of Guelph. Students will be able to bring the donation to their classroom and it will be collected at the end of the day. All items are welcome for any community group - on any day throughout the week!  We will sort things accordingly. We also encourage families to bring items on the day of the Holiday Concert! 

Donations start December 9th and go until December 13th. 

Would you like to make a monetary donation? We will also be collecting for the Guelph Humane Society.  Bring in a toonie any day of the week!


Dec. 9

Guelph Food Bank


Dec. 10

Clothing Closet


Dec. 11
Women in Crisis


Dec. 12
Humane Society


Dec. 13
Food Pantries

Non-perishable items


-cream of wheat, oatmeal


-instant coffee

-peanut butter

-pasta, rice 

-Boost, Ensure

-canned soup

-canned fruit

-canned vegetables

-canned beans

-canned meats

-pasta sauce

Toonie for Humane Society


*new/gently used

-winter hats

-gently used children’s snowsuits

-men and women’s winter jackets 

-winter footwear

Toonie for Humane Society

Personal Care and Children

-shampoo/ conditioner


-toothbrush/ toothpaste

-body wash

-menstrual pads and tampons


-infant formula

-*new baby toys, clothing, wash cloths

Toonie for Humane Society

Animal supplies

-Cat, dog, small animal food/ treats

-Bowls, toys, pet beds, shavings

-Poop bags, litter pans, litter

-dish soap, hand sanitizer 

-paper towel, wipes
-bottle brushes

-HE laundry detergent

-hot water bottles

Toonie for Humane Society

Non-perishable items


-cream of wheat, oatmeal


-instant coffee

-peanut butter

-pasta, rice 

-Boost, Ensure

-canned soup

-canned fruit

-canned vegetables

-canned beans

-canned meats

-pasta sauce

Toonie for Humane Society

*All other donations not on this list will be gladly accepted and dispersed to each organization.

Below are some important information items and updates: 

  • Dec 10 > Holiday Extravaganza Dress Rehearsal

  • Dec 11 > JK-Gr 6  Holiday Extravaganza in the Gym 

  • Monday December 16: Cozy sweater day

  • Tuesday December 17th: Wear a pattern day

  • Wednesday December 18th: Wear a hat day

  • Thursday December 19th: Winter wonderland day! Dress in your favourite festive colour combinations

  • Friday December 20th: PJ day!

  • Dec 23-Jan 5 > WINTER BREAK

EJPS still desperately, desperately, desperately needs one or several people to fill a permanent noon hour supervisor position. The job could be offered to one person or shared by several people.  The paid position requires you to help supervise students outside and inside the school from 10:10 AM to 10:50 AM & from 12:30 PM to 1:10 PM. Please contact me at olivier.cutz@ugdsb.on.ca if you are interested in applying. Also, please see the attached application form should you wish to apply. 24OTH11 - Noon Hour Supervisor.pdf . We are hopeful we can hire a vetted candidate as soon as possible.

Below is a message from EJ School Council:

Thank you to all the families who supported our Fundscrip gift card fundraiser at EJ! This was the first year running the program, and we are incredibly proud to have had the support of our wonderful school community. Your contributions made a difference, and we look forward to building on this success in the future. Gift cards will arrive at the school and be available for distribution next week. 

Looking forward to seeing you if you can make it to our Holiday Extravaganza!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Olivier Cutz


Olivier Cutz (he/him)

Principal École Edward Johnson

397 Stevenson Street North

Guelph, Ontario N1E 5C1

519.763.7374 ext. 223
