
EJPS Week at a Glance (Nov 18-22)

Chers parents,

First of all, congratulations to our students and staff who accomplished our first sign post in the school year…Progress Reports! We so appreciate parent partnership and look forward to seeing parents around the school for their parent-teacher conferences. This is also a good time for teachers and parents to check in about lates and absences. Supportive conversations on this topic ensure our students have the best chance for success. Together we can/Ensemble nous pouvons!

It was so nice to see the wonderful work and presentations produced by the students in 5\6A under the direction of Mme Roberts for our Remembrance Day service this past Monday. Their presentations were thought provoking and inspired deep reflection. We also appreciated the singing by Mme Forbes’ & Mme Teasdale’s Kindergarten class. We also had an amazing and inspiring assembly today led by the students in 3\4C under the direction of Mme Anselmini-Lofton. Our students learned about the roots and signs of bullying and what we can all do collectively to stop it. We had a great show of pink today reminding everyone that we can Stand Up, Stand Strong, Stand Together!

Last, I’d like to share a concern and request parental and student cooperation in regards to families staying on school grounds after 3:05 PM when supervision by EJPS staff ends. Unfortunately, we have had numerous safety concerns come up recently as well as conflicts between students exacerbated by a lack of appropriate support for those situations. For example, we have had students playing in and running through the staff parking lot well after dismissal time. Some parents have also been in the uncomfortable position of witnessing and unable to help resolve conflicts between their child and another parent’s child. With that said we have been willing to support and foster relationships and friendships through this convenient and fun routine, however, it has become apparent that safety and well being are at risk due to supervision challenges and for these reasons as well as the school’s potential liability that we ask all families to leave school property at 3:05 PM when staff outdoor supervision ends at EJPS. Furthermore, you will find that this is the official policy at all UGDSB elementary schools. Families are welcome to return to use the school’s park grounds (with the exception of the Kindie pen) after 6 PM when the YMCA program has closed for the day. I have shared and explained the above request to students over the morning announcements. Thank you for your support in advance!

Below are some important information items and updates: 

  • Nov 18 > Junior Soccer Tournament

  • Nov 19 > Picture Retake Day

  • Nov 28 > Parent-Teacher Interviews Evening

  • Nov 29 > PA Day for Parent-Teacher Interviews

  • Dec 10 > Holiday Extravaganza Dress Rehearsal

  • Dec 11 > JK-Gr 6  Holiday Extravaganza in the Gym 

*Junior > Dragon Drummers, Roberts, Hill, Remillard, Anselmini-Lofton @ 9AM

*Primary > Davis, Cigljarev, White, Prilesnik, Stolfi @ 11AM

*FDK > Crawford, Forbes, Saylany @ 2PM

  • Dec 23-Jan 5 > WINTER BREAK

Below is a message from EJPS School Council:

Spirit Night at Ctrl V Virtual Reality Arcade - Bring your family and friends to Ctrl V, 212 Victoria Road South on Friday, November 29th. They are open at 12pm for the PD Day! For each hour played, Ctrl V will donate $5 to our school to support student activities. Make sure to tell them you are with Edward Johnson!

Below is a message from the Office:

Pottery To Go - School Cash Online Payments close on Monday Nov 18th@ midnight. Please visit School Cash Online if you are interested in having your child participate. 

WokBox, Pizza & Subway - School Cash Online orders for December 2024 will close on November 25th @ midnight. No late orders will be accepted. ** You may have noticed the line item 'Support a Student's Lunch' has been added to each of the meal options. The funds raised will pay for a meal for a student in need. 

Parent Teacher Interview Booking - After an IT glitch and an adjustment, our Interview Booking System will reopen November 16 @ 4pm. 

Stay warm this weekend as it is starting to get chilly,

Olivier Cutz


** This and all past EJPS Week at a Glance emails are also posted on our school website here: https://www.ugdsb.ca/o/ejps/news

Olivier Cutz (he/him)

Principal École Edward Johnson

397 Stevenson Street North

Guelph, Ontario N1E 5C1

519.763.7374 ext. 223
