About Us
Drayton Heights Public School is a JK-8 school located in the village of Drayton, Township of Mapleton. The school is located at 75 Wellington Street East, Wellington Road 11.
About 60% of the student body walks to school from the surrounding housing subdivisions. The other 40% of the student body is bused from the surrounding rural areas or from the village of Maryborough. This results in a positive mixture of small town students with rural students.
Drayton Heights is an amalgamated school site that opened in September 2001. The Drayton Junior Public School and Drayton Senior Public School combined together in a facility that was renovated and received a four classroom addition as well as an extension to the gym.
We are very proud of our school community and the degree to which parents support and are involved in the school. Our School Council is very active in all aspects of school and assist us in meeting our educational objectives. In addition, we have a positive relationship with our Community Partner – Drayton Festival Theater.
Throughout the school there is a progressive academic focus, which includes innovative teaching in the classrooms, extensive use of the computer lab, a growing library/resource collection and a strong intramural and extra-curricular program.
Drayton Heights Public School is represented by a symbol of the North Star. Staff, students, parents and community all work together to be the best and the brightest they can be.