We Need Your Help
Volunteer Opportunities:
We invite the participation of parents and guardians who would be willing to take on or assist School Council initiatives. Consider attending an upcoming council meeting to find out how you can get involved as a Council Member or support an upcoming event.
How Can I Help?
School Council Member:
Members of Council share a commitment to assisting in the creation of a thriving learning community for our students. At School Council, we make decisions that affect students in all grades. We decide how the money we raise can be used to enhance the education of children.
We meet approximately every five weeks to plan and share ideas. We have committees with voting and non-voting members. Our committees at present include:
Social and Welcoming
In order to be a voting Council member, you would attend at least six meetings over the school year. Non-voting Council members typically attend meetings on a more occasional basis, but their participation remains highly valued.
Special Event Volunteer
If you would like to be involved in a more time-limited way, consider helping us with a specific fundraising or social event scheduled for the current school year. We appreciate whatever help you can offer and will post information about the kind of volunteers we need prior to an event.