
UGDSB to develop inaugural Human Rights Policy Framework

The UGDSB is proud to announce the Board of Trustees officially approved the development of a comprehensive Human Rights Policy Framework. Under the leadership of the Human Rights, Equity, and Accessibility (HREA) Commissioner, this initiative marks a significant milestone in integrating human rights principles into every aspect of UGDSB’s operations.

WHSS student wins prestigious hockey association bursary

Congratulations WHSS student, Connor S. who received the Ontario Minor Hockey Association’s (OMHA $5,000 bursary.

Westminster Woods PS students raise money for Guelph Humane Society

In February, Gillian Whitcombe’s grade 6 class at Westminster Woods Public School were inspired to raise money for a local charity.

UGDSB Schools Shine in EcoSchools Program, Showcasing Exceptional Environmental Leadership

We are thrilled to announce that UGDSB schools have been actively participating in the EcoSchools program throughout the year. This program provides a structured framework that fosters environmental learning and inspires proactive action.

UGDSB receives Ministry of Education approval, with additional funding, to proceed with South Guelph High School and Centre Wellington Elementary School

The Upper Grand District School Board is pleased to announce that we have received approval, with additional funding, from the Ministry of Education to proceed with the South Guelph Secondary School and Centre Wellington Elementary School projects.

Professional Activity Day Description – June 27 & 28, 2024 (Secondary)

Information on what staff will be focusing on in secondary schools on the June 27/28, 2024 PA Day.

Professional Activity Day Description – June 28, 2024 (Elementary)

Information on what staff will be focusing on in elementary schools on the June 28, 2024 PA Day.

Message from Lieutenant Governor for graduating students

A video link from the Honourable Edith Dumont, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, for graduating students. 

Hot and humid conditions expected, resources for health and safety

Hot and humid conditions are expected next week.  Hot and humid air can bring deteriorating air quality and can result in the Air Quality Health Index approaching the high-risk category. The risks are greater for young children, pregnant women, older adults, people with chronic illnesses and people working or exercising outdoors.

UGDSB and WDGPH partnership brings youth together around leadership and mental health

This year, the UGDSB partnered with Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health to offer a student mental health leadership opportunity to secondary schools.