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Completing the Student Census
Students/families in Kindergarten to Grade 12 are encouraged to complete the UGDSB Counts Student Census survey by October 9, 2022.
The link to complete the census can be found at the bottom of the email sent to parents/guardians (Kindergarten – Grade 8) and students (Grades 9-12+). It is a rectangular blue button that says “Begin Survey.”
If you need assistance, please Email Research Innovation
Learn more about the Student Census!
The UGDSB Counts Student Census launched on September 19, 2022, for all students in the UGDSB, K-12.
Learn more about the Census by watching this informational video
UGDSB Students Discuss the Census
In September 2022, the Upper Grand District School Board will be conducting a Student Census for students in Kindergarten to Grade 12.
The UGDSB Counts Student Census is a confidential and voluntary survey for all parents/ legal guardians of students in Kindergarten to grade 8, and all students in grades 9 to 12.
The Ministry of Education is requiring that school boards begin collecting identity-based data on students in order to help identify and monitor barriers for racialized students, as well as students who are connected to the margins.
This data collection is authorised by section 7(2) of the Anti-Racism Act.
The data collection is voluntary. No program, service or benefit may be withheld because a student does not participate, or refuses to participate, in the UGDSB Counts Student Census.
Individuals may access and correct their personal information, or withdraw their consent at any time.
The census is confidential, but it is not anonymous.
The UGDSB Equity Plan states, “As an educational community we have a responsibility to identify and describe racism and oppression and then work to dismantle it. The Upper Grand District School Board is committed to disrupting systemic racism and oppression in all of its forms.”
By collecting identity-based student data we will have the tools to identify and name specific areas where bias and oppression are creating barriers to our racialized and marginalized students. Only through identifying and naming areas of oppression will UGDSB be able to make systemic changes that will create more equitable outcomes for all our students.
The data will be collected through an online survey. The survey is voluntary. Parents/caregivers and students can opt out of the survey in its entirety, or can choose which questions they would like to answer.
Participants can request to change their data or revoke it at any time. Once the data is removed it cannot be used in any subsequent analyses.
The student identity-based data will be joined with existing data in all of the areas below and then analyzed with the single purpose of identifying areas where UGDSB’s policies and programs are creating barriers to the educational outcomes of your children based on their identity.
Student achievement
Credit accumulation
Special education services
Academic/extracurricular program participation
Graduation rates
Pathways (applied, academic, essential & workplace, university, college)
If we would like to use the data for any other purpose, we would need to start the process over again and provide the community with an update on how we were going to use the data so they could provide proper assent/ consent.
On September 19, 2022, parents/ legal guardians of students in Kindergarten to grade 8 will be sent a link to the survey via the email address they have provided the board. In the event that you do not receive an email:
Check your spam folder
Email Research Innovation for a new link
For students in grades 9 – 12, starting on September 19 and ending on October 9, class time will be provided to complete the Census.
Teachers will be provided with facilitation guides to prepare students before the survey is completed.
Paper copies will be made available upon request. Please contact your school if you require a paper copy.
First language(s)
Ethnic or cultural origins
Religion and/ or spiritual affiliation
Gender identity
Sexual orientation
Canadian citizenship
Socio-economic status
Parents/ legal guardians of students under 18 years of age can opt out of the Census in its entirety. Parents/legal guardians can do so by completing the opt-out form or by contacting your child’s school.
The opt out process will be open until September 12, 2022.
If an opt-out form is not submitted, the UGDSB Counts Student Census is still voluntary. Parents/ legal guardians/ students can choose not to complete the census.
Both the Ministry of Education and the Upper Grand District School Board believe in the need for collaborative relationships with the racialized and marginalized communities that we serve. Throughout the processes outlined by the Ministry’s student data cycle and Upper Grand’s Equity Plan we hold ourselves accountable to these communities by embedding the need to consult and get feedback.
The UGDSB will engage in consultation with a number of groups including students, parents/guardians, staff, and the board’s advisory committees including the First Nations Metis and Inuit Education Council, Parent Involvement Committee, and the Safe Equitable and Inclusive Schools Steering Committee.
June 2022: Build awareness across the UGDSB of the 2022 Student Census
September 12, 2022: Deadline to opt-out of the Student Census
September 19, 2022: Student Census opens
October 9, 2022: Student Census closes
UGDSB Counts Student Census Opt-Out Form:
In addition to the extensive consultation and feedback processes embedded in the UGDSB’s process, we would like to extend an additional way for members of our school communities to provide feedback. To complete our general feedback form on the Student Census, please click here.
Privacy is of the utmost concern for the Upper Grand District School Board. In order to safeguard student data, extensive procedures and protocols have been put in place throughout the life cycle of the data. The UGDSB has completed a Privacy Impact Assessment to make sure processes and protocols are in place to protect this data throughout its life cycle.
The data will be collected using SurveyMonkey. Here are the key privacy and security requirements that are in place:
Data is stored in Canadian data centres
SOC 2 accredited
24×7 monitoring, entry requirements, access logs, hardware in dedicated cages
Data is encrypted in transit and at rest
Responses are transmitted via encrypted TLS
Access controls are in place and NDAs; annual privacy and security training
Vulnerability management program in place including internal and external penetration testing
The data will be stored in password protected databases. The databases will be separate from any existing student information systems currently in use.
The data will be stored in de-identified format.
Only select staff in the Research and IT departments at the UGDSB will have access to the information, and this access will be limited based on their duties and responsibilities.
Analysis and Reporting:
Personal identifying information will only be used for the purposes of linking student census data to existing student data. Once it is linked, all personally identifying information will be removed. Therefore, all analyses and reporting will be done with de-identified data.
Individual student responses will be grouped together for analysis so that no individual student information can be identifiable.
As an added safeguard any analysis or reporting will be completed using groups that have enough respondents so individuals cannot be identified.
Before any public reporting the UGDSB will consult with racialized groups and those who are connected to the margins.